Giuseppe Di Capua (INGV Senior Technologist, IAPG Secretary General, IUGS Commission on Geoethics Governing Board Member) gave a talk titled "Geoethics and the polycrisis: Navigating humanity’s role in shaping a responsible future" in the Apheleia 2025 Conference Series.
Here below the video recording by Apheleia Project:
The video is also available on the YouTube Channel of Apheleia Project:
The project Apheleia hosts a bi-weekly series of on-line conferences open to its members and outside participants with an interest in novel approaches to landscape transformative cultural processes, from technology to symbols, arts or governance.The project “Apheleia – Cultural Integrated Landscape Management” is based on a strategic partnership led by universities, with research centres, local authorities, enterprises and NGOs. It was endorsed by the International Council for the Philosphy and Human sciences (CIPSH) and the International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU), also having established a collaboration with UNESCO’s programme MOST (Management of Social Transformations) from 2016.
Apheleia website and Apheleia 2025 conference series program:
YouTube Channel of the IAPG:
IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:
IUGS - Commission on Geoethics:
CIPSH - Chair on Geoethics: