Today we celebrate the 7th edition of the International Geoethics Day.
The theme of this year is "fostering the importance of geosciences for society".
Geoscientists’ knowledge and expertise are essential to address many of the most urgent global problems, to inform decision-making, and to guide education at all levels. Geosciences provide society knowledge and tools to discuss, shape, and implement solutions to local, regional and global socio-environmental problems. Geoethics fosters the importance of geosciences for contributing to create a more sustainable and just society.
List of events organized to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2023:
6 October 2023: Geoethics at the International Geodiversity Day 2023 celebration in India. Surya Parkash (IAPG-India Coordinator) gave a talk entitled "Geoethics in the Indian Context" at the event organized by the Indian National Science Academy to celebrate the International Geodiversity Day 2023 in India.
12 October 2023: IAPG Bangladesh celebrates the 7th edition of the International Geoethics Day with a meeting. Theme: "Fostering the importance of Geosciences for society" and '' Geodiversity Day for All''. Time: 13:00 (GMT+6). Venue: Saheed Mokhlesur Rahman Auditorium, Geological Survey of Bangladesh (GSB), Bhutattwa Bhaban (3rd Floor), 153 PIoneer Road, Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000 (Bangladesh).
13 October 2023: The Geological Survey of India celebrates the 7th edition of the International Geoethics Day and the 2nd edition of the International Geodiversity Day with a workshop. Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Treasurer) gives a keynote entitled "Building New Perspectives for Human Progress Through Geoethics". Surya Parkash (IAPG India Coordinator) gives a talk entitled "Geoethical Practices to Promote Geodiversity". Theme: "Geodiversity is for everyone: A citizen centric approach''. Technical session 1: Geodiversity is for everyone. Technical session 2: Geoethical practices for sustaining geodiversity. Time: 09.30 - 18:00 (IST). Venue: Conference Hall, Geological Survey of India, CHQ, 15 Kyd Street, Kolkata (india)/Online. This event is co-sponsored by the IAPG.
14 October 2023: IAPG India, in cooperation with the National Institute of Disaster Management, India, celebrates the 7th edition of the International Geoethics Day with a conference. Theme: "Geoethics with focus on Geoheritage, Geotourism and Geoconservation''. Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General and Chair of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics) gives an introductory speech entitled "Ethical and societal relevance of geodiversity, geoheritage, and geoconservation: the geoethical perspective". Time: 14:00 (IST). Venue: online event.
If you want to inform us about an event (conference, webinar, seminar, field trip, etc.) to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2023, please send an email to the IAPG Secretariat:
Website of the International Geoethics Day:
Hashtag: #geoethicsday2023
IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics: