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Participation in projects


IAPG members are involved in scientific projects, focusing their work on ethical and social implications of project activities.
Moreover, IAPG is involved as member of the International Advisory Board or as partner in European scientific projects. 



An Erasmus+ European Project on Geoethics


Duration: 32 months (31.12.2017 - 30.08.2020)


"GOAL" is an international partnership project that will contribute to develop the potential of geoethics with the aim of improving its concepts and practices through an innovative and creative approach. The members of the different partner countries (Portugal, Austria, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Spain) will bring together their expertise in overlapping disciplinary areas, and intellectual synergies will contribute to an articulated approach for contributing to the development of a geoethical thinking. The project integrates researchers and practitioners with skills in geoscience education, geological heritage, georisks, environmental sciences, theoretical aspects of geoethics and information and communication technologies in education.
The project "GOAL" aims to develop a geoethics syllabus and to offer suggestions on educational resources to be used in Higher Education, in order to promote awareness-raising on ethical and social implications of geoscience knowledge, education, research, practice and communication, thus enhancing the quality and relevance of students’ knowledge, skills and competencies. The creation of this international network and subsequently the syllabus and other educational resources will develop operational capacities for strengthening the conceptual substratum of geoethics.


The project is leaded by the Portuguese Team chaired by Clara Vasconcelos (IAPG-Portugal co-coordinator). The Italian team is chaired by Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Treasurer). Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General and IAPG-Italy coordinator) is member of the Italian team.


IAPG is an official partner of the project "GOAL".


The project "GOAL" is supported by Erasmus+ Programme in the scope of Project reference 2017-1-PTO1-KA203-035790

Video (Output 1 - Video pill n. 1): Introduction to geoethics: definition, concepts, and application (by Silvia Peppoloni)


Video (Output 1 - Video pill n. 2): Geoethics and responsible use of geo-resources (by Giuseppe Di Capua)


Video (Output 1 - Video pill n. 3): Geoethical issues and geoethical dilemmas (by Silvia Peppoloni)


e-Book "Teaching Geoethics", edited by Clara Vasconcelos, Susanne Schneider-Voß, and Silvia Peppoloni


Video (Output 1 - Video pill n. 4): Geoethics and geological risks (by Silvia Peppoloni)


GOAL Website 


A great challenge for the IAPG colleagues in a Horizon 2020 EU-Project


Duration: 48 months (01.05.2015 - 31.04.2019)


Geoethics is among the topics of this big European Horizon 2020 Project "ENVRIplus" (started on 1st May 2015. The project is named ENVRI-Plus, it is born to develop Common Operations of Environmental. Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) is the leader of the Work-Package 13 dedicated to the ethical aspects of the project. In addition, other news on geoethics come from the EMSO Research Infrastructure.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654182.


ENVRIplus brings together Environmental and Earth System Research Infrastructures, projects and networks together with technical specialist partners to create a more coherent, interdisciplinary and interoperable cluster of Environmental Research Infrastructures across Europe

Deliverables of the Work-Package 13:


ENVRIplus website

INTERMIN -  International Network of Raw Materials Training Centres

A Horizon 2020 European project


Duration: 36 months (01.02.2018 - 31.01.2021)


INTERMIN will create a self-sustainable long-term lasting international network of training centres for mineral raw materials professionals. This project involves educational and research institutions in the EU and the leading counterparts in third countries, based on specific country expertise in the primary and secondary raw materials sectors. The network will map skills and knowledge in the EU and the third countries, identify key knowledge gaps and emerging needs of employers, develop a roadmap for improving skills and knowledge, as well as establish common training programmes in the raw materials sectors. In line with the EU’s strategy for international co-operation in research and innovation, the consortium will seek international collaboration, fostering and exploring synergies with the relevant EU Member States initiatives.


IAPG is member of the International Advisory Board of the project "INTERMIN", represented by Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Treasurer)

- INTERMIN brochure

- Survey on mineral raw materials training programmes

- Mining towards 2050 (questionnaire)


A new challenge for the IAPG colleagues in an Erasmus+ Project


The project "WISE - Widening Interdisciplinary Sustainability Education" started on 31st December 2015, and was coordinated by the Collegium Civitas of Poland. WISE integrated four other European partners from Portugal, Greece, Sweden and Czech Republic. The aim of this project was to improve the Education for a Sustainable Development in Higher Education. The Portuguese team, coordinated by Clara Vasconcelos (IAPG-Portugal co-coordinator), was responsible for an overview report on “Ecosystem Services, Geoethics and Biodiversity”.

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International Association for Promoting Geoethics

Via di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Rome (Italy) |

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