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International Geoethics Day


IAPG officially launches the International Geoethics Day on 12 October 2017, during the Earth Science Week 2017.
The aim of the International Geoethics Day is to raise the awareness of the geoscience community and society as a whole about the importance of ethical, social and cultural aspects of geoscience knowledge, research, practice, education and communication.

The International Geoethics Day will be held every year during the Earth Science Week.


IAPG welcomes proposals to organize initiatives aimed at promoting geoethics locally and globally to celebrate this day.


IAPG works for a respectful stewardship of the Earth: our way to take care of future generations.

International Geoethics Day editions: 

Responsible Mining - TGRM - IAPG

International Geoethics Day 2023: fostering the importance of geosciences for society
12 October 2023

We celebrate the 7th edition of the International Geoethics Day on 12 October 2023.

The theme of this year is "fostering the importance of geosciences for society".

Geoscientists’ knowledge and expertise are essential to address many of the most urgent global problems, to inform decision-making, and to guide education at all levels. Geosciences provide society knowledge and tools to discuss, shape, and implement solutions to local, regional and global socio-environmental problems. Geoethics fosters the importance of geosciences for contributing to create a more sustainable and just society.


If you want to organize an event (conference, webinar, seminar, field trip, etc.) to celebrate the International Geoethics Day, please inform the IAPG Secretariat by sending an email to: IAPG will be happy to promote your event.

Website of the International Geoethics Day:


Hashtag: #geoethicsday2023

List of events organized to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2023 (from 6 to 14 October 2023)

An Ode on Geoethic Day: May the Essence of Geoethic be fossilized in human conscience

(by KC Sahu, IAPG member)

The Earth is my Home,

Her Air is my Breath,

Her Water is my Blood,

The Biosphere is my Flesh,

And the Rocks are my Bones.

The Mountains are my Inspiration

And Rivers are my arteries,

The Ocean was my Womb,

And the Soil is my Mother       

To Preserve and Protect them is to Preserve and Protect my self.   

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International Geoethics Day 2022: promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals
13 October 2022

To celebrate the 6th edition of the International Geoethics Day, send an email to with a photo of you holding a sign in your hands containing a brief message on what you think is most important (for example, an action, a value or a concept) to ensure sustainable development of human communities, inspired by the UN SDGs. In alternative, post your photo on social media by using the hashtag: #geoethicsday2022.

Moreover, if you want to organize an event (conference, webinar, seminar, field trip, etc.) to celebrate the International Geoethics Day, please inform the IAPG Secretariat by sending an email to: IAPG will be happy to promote your event.

Hashtag: #geoethicsday2022


Events planned to celebrate the 6th International Geoethics Day:

10-11 October 2022, India

- Day 1 (10 Oct.): 9:15 am (IST) | 8 hours 45 minutes

- Day 2 (11 Oct.): 10:30 am to 1:40 pm (IST)

Special Twin Event to celebrate the 1st International Geodiversity Day and the 6th International Geoethics Day, entitled "Geoheritage Conservation and Geoethics", at the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, India.

- Programme (pdf file)

- YouTube public link Day 1

- YouTube public link Day 2


13 October 2022, Italy

16:00-19:00 (CEST)

Webinar entitled "Geoethics without borders: Transdisciplinary visions for sustainability", organized by the Department of Earth Sciences at the Turin University and IAPG-Italy/Section of Geoethics and Geological Culture of the Italian Geological Society.

Programme (pdf file)


13 October 2022, New Zealand

07:00-08:30 pm (NZT)

Webinar entitled "International Geoethics Day Seminar", organized by the Geoscience Society of New Zealand. This event explores topics relating to ethics in the geosciences in honour of International Geoethics Day on October 13th. In a panel of three speakers each gives a short 20 min talk, followed by time for questions and discussion.

Free registration


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13 October 2022, Morocco

Event onsite organized at the Polydisciplinary Faculty, Cadi Ayyad University, Safi, Morocco to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2022.

Poster in Arabic (pdf file)


13 October 2022, Turkey

Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası (Turkisk Chamber of Geological Engineers) released a document to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2022.

Read the document here (in Turkish)


13 October 2022, Bangladesh

14:00 (BST)

Onsite event organized by IAPG-Bangladesh to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2022.

Discussion Theme: promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Venue: Shaheed Mokleshur Rahman Auditorium, Geological Survey of Bangladesh.


13 October 2022, India

02:00 pm - 04:00 pm (IST); 08:30 am - 10:30 am (GMT)

Webinar entitled "Advocating Geoethics for SFDRR, SDGs, and CCA", organized by the National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, in collaboration with the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics and Adamas University (West Bengal, India), to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2022. 

- Free registration

- Poster (pdf file)

- YouTube public link


13 October 2022, Peru

16:00-19:00 (PET)

Webinar in Peru to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2022, organized by IAPG-Peru. 3 speakers give talks about geoethics to axchieve the sustainable development goals, the importance to have geologists working in each municipality, and geoethics and social management with reference to native communities. This event is in Spanish.

Zoom link

Poster (pdf file)

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13-14 October 2022, India

10:00 am (IST)

Online workshop entitled "Nurturing Geodiversity: A Road to Sustainable Development", organized by the Geological Survey of India to celebrate the 1st International Day of Geodiversity and the 6th International Geoethics Day. This is a run up event to the yearlong celebration (up to August 2023) of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav commemorating 75 years of Indian Independence. 

Venue: Conference Hall, Geological Survey of India, CHQ, 15 Kyd Street, Kol-16/ online.

Programme (pdf file)

Webex link Day 2 (14 October, 10:30-18:00 IST)

Final Report by Geological Survey of India (pdf file)


International Geoethics Day 2021: Geoethics enhances the value of Geodiversity
14 October 2021

To celebrate the 5th edition of the International Geoethics Day , send an email to with a photo of you together with a geological item of the place where you live (outcrop, rock, mineral, fossil, geological landscape and/or process). In alternative, post your photo on social media by using the hashtag: #geoethicsday2021.

Moreover, if you want to organize an event (conference, webinar, seminar, field trip, etc.) to celebrate the International Geoethics Day, please inform the IAPG Secretariat by sending an email to: IAPG will be happy to promote your event.

Hashtag: #geoethicsday2021

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International Geoethics Day 2020: make a... Geoethical Promise!

15 October 2020

The 4th edition of this event is dedicated to the early career and young geoscientists.

How to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2020

Hashtag: #geoethicsday2020

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International Geoethics Day 2019: Seed Today... for the future!

17 October 2019

Hashtag: #geoethicsday2019

Soil, air and water pollution, land degradation, biodiversity loss, global warming, are among the main threats for human communities.

The International Geoethics Day 2019 aims to raise people's awareness and responsibility on anthropogenic global changes, trying to change the way in which we relates to our planet.

In order to celebrate the 3rd edition of the International Geoethics Day we ask you to:


1) seed or plant something in the ground (trees, flowers, plants, or shrubs);
2) use the IAPG label to tag what you have planted (possibly, print it on recycled paper or use the other side of an already printed sheet);
3) take a photo and post it on social networks, by using the hashtag "#geoethicsday2019".

In the IAPG label you find this sentence: “This is the contribution of the IAPG to make better our future on Earth”.

This event is included in the Earth Science Week 2019 and the Global Ethics Day 2019.

International Geoethics Day 2019


International Geoethics Day 2019


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International Geoethics Day 2018: Geoethics is...

18 October 2018

Dear IAPG members and followers,

I'm glad to inform you that on 18 October 2018 the IAPG  will celebrate the International Geoethics Day.

As you know, this initiative was born in 2017 with the aim to raise the awareness of the geoscience community and society as a whole about the importance of geoethics.

The International Geoethics Day 2018 falls during the Earth Science Week and close to the Global Ethics Day and will be the occasion to strongly reaffirm the geoethical values in which we believe and that are the foundations of our association.

Here you can download a leaflet with the incipit of a statement: "geoethics is...".

Please, complete the sentence with one word, the word that you feel more appropriate, print the leaflet and take a picture of you with the leaflet in your hands well in evidence.

Finally, during the day of 18 October (not before!) post the picture on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and use the hashtag: #geoethicsday2018.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

Kind regards,

Silvia Peppoloni
(IAPG Secretary General)

IAPG events to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2018:

NGC1 - First Nigeria Geoethics Conference "Integrating Geoethics into the Extractive Industry Governance": 18-19 October 2018, Port Harcourt (Nigeria); WebsiteDownload the poster (pdf file)


International Geoethics Day 2018

Leafleat (word file)

Supporting organizations:


International Geoethics Day 2017: take your photo!

12 October 2017

Download the leafleat of the International Geoethics Day (here on the right), print it, take your photo with it, finally post your photo on social networks! (Hashtag: #geoethicsday)

International Geoethics Day 2017

Leafleat (pdf file)

All rights reserved © 2015-2024

International Association for Promoting Geoethics

Via di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Rome (Italy) |

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