Executive Council
IAPG is served by an Executive Council that is formed only by members of the Association and consists of:
a) a President; b) two Vice-Presidents; c) a Secretary General; d) a Treasurer; e) six Continental Coordinators.
The EC approves the annual economic and financial report and decides the programmatic directives for the following year.
The following Executive Council is in charge for the period 2024–2028 (from 1 November 2024).

Silvia Peppoloni
Silvia Peppoloni is a PhD geologist, researcher at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Rome, Italy. Her scientific activity is focused on georisk studies, social, educational, and communication aspects of geosciences, theoretical foundations of geoethics and its applications. She is founding member, President and former Secretary General of the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG), Director of the School on Geoethics and Natural Issues, Chair of the Commission on Geoethics of the International Union of Geological Sciences and Chairholder of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences Chair on Geoethics, member of the Advisory Board for Climate Intervention Research of the American Geophysical Union, member of the Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science of the International Science Council. She served as work package/task leader and member of advisory boards in European projects. She is Editor in Chief of the SpringerBrief in Geoethics series and the Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences.

Peter T. Bobrowsky
Peter Bobrowsky is an engineering geologist specializing in natural hazards, mapping, sedimentology/stratigraphy, drift prospecting, aggregate studies and interests in geoethics, geoheritage, medical geology and forensic geology. Currently an Emeritus Scientist with the Geological Survey of Canada and Adjunct Professor at Simon Fraser University. Author/coauthor of some 500 publications. Former Vice President and Secretary General of IUGS, President of the International Consortium on Landslides, President of the Geological Association of Canada and President of the Canadian Quaternary Association. Currently an active supporter and contributor to “outreach and education”, he annually delivers dozens of lectures to various public groups around the world.

Elizabeth I. Rovere
Elizabeth Ivonne Rovere is a Ph.D. in Geological Sciences (UBA) with postgraduate studies at the University of Tokyo (ERI). Specializing in Regional Geology, Volcanic Risk, Geochemistry, Electronic Microscopy and Tephrology, currently serves as the Head of Projects at the Geological Survey of Argentina. Founder and president of GEVAS Red Argentina (2014-2019), member of AGA, IAVCEI, ALVO, co-coordinator of IAPGeoethics-Argentina. Author/coauthor of over 100 publications. Her research focuses on the impacts of volcanic ashfall from transboundary eruptions, including those of Chaitén (2008), Puyehue-Cordon Caulle (2011) and Calbuco (2015) volcanoes. Leads the National Volcanic Ash Database and works on projects related to communication and migration in border areas facing geohazards, while contributing to the creation of a Latin American “Geoethics Code”, inspired by the original Chilean model.

Secretary General and Treasurer
Giuseppe Di Capua
Giuseppe Di Capua is a geologist at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Rome, Italy. His fields of interest cover engineering geology, geoethics, and philosophy of geosciences.
He is co-founding member of the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG), member of the Executive Committee of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH), webmaster of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS).
He is or has been involved in several European projects (as task leader, team leader, and member of the international advisory board), in particular: ENVRI-Plus, Erasmus+ GOAL, INTERMIN, SMART EXPLORATION, EPOS SP, EPOS ON, CIRAN.
He is member of the editorial board of EPISODES, Geoconservation Research, Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences, and the SpringerBriefs in Geoethics series.​

Continental Coordinator - North America
Vincent S. Cronin
Vince Cronin has studied, written, and made presentations about geoethics since the 1980s. Retired from a 34-year career in research universities, he is an emeritus professor of geoscience. He continues working on education (primarily in geoscience, global warming, and geoethics), lithospheric kinematics, and geoethics for applied professional geoscientists.

Continental Coordinator - South America
Marita Ahumada
Marita Ahumada is Geologist and Master in Geology and Environmental Management of Mineral Resources. She has 24 years of professional experience in the areas of Prospecting and Mining Exploration, Environment, and Community Relations and Mining Communications. She is Coordinator of the Mining career at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico de Mendoza (Argentina) and is a postgraduate professor at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad de Belgrano and professor at the Specialization Program in Development and Public Policies of the CFI (Federal Investment Council). She is Director of the Advisory Committee of WIM Argentina (Women in Mining Argentina) and member of the RIPO (International Network of SDG Promoters). She was a drafter of the Argentine Mining Strategic Plan in the Inclusive Mining Facilitating Board. She held the presidency and secretariat in chambers and private institutions related to mining such as GEMERA, San Juan Mining Chamber, CAMEM, UIM, FEM, IDITS in Argentina. She has participated in research projects, has been author and co-author of scientific publications, and in numerous communication, scientific divulgation and transfer events to the community and as a speaker in Spain and Argentina.

Continental Coordinator - Europe
Vitor Correia
Vitor Correia is Secretary-General of the International Raw Materials Observatory, a non-profit, independent, international association that supports international cooperation in the mineral raw materials’ field, and he works as an independent consultant active in EU and multilateral development projects. Vitor founded and managed companies working in mineral exploration, mine permitting, environmental impact assessment and geotechnics, and he has over 28 years of experience in strategic management, innovation and organizational effectiveness. He began his career as a mine geologist, and he worked in mining, geological engineering and environmental geology projects in Europe, Africa and South America. He is a member of the Expert Group on Resource Classification of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE; since 2014) and he is Past President of the European Federation of Geologists (2013-2019). He was member of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Geologists (2007-2019) and he is an Honorary Fellow of the Geological Society of London. Vitor Correia holds a BSc in Geology and an MBA, both from the University of Lisbon, and he holds the EuroGeologist professional title (since 2011).

Continental Coordinator - Africa
Ezzoura Errami
Ezzoura Errami has a long experience in higher education and in international geoscientific professional organizations, and a strong academic grounding in Earth Sciences field. She was Dean of the Polydisciplinary Faculty of Safi (2020-2024). She is now again a full Professor at the Geology Department of Chouaïb Doukkali University (Morocco) where she did her “Doctorat Es-Sciences” in 2001 in collaboration with Ruprecht Karls University (Germany). Her current major research interest is petrology, geochemistry, structural geology, geoheritage, geotourism, geoeducation, sustainable development and gender related studies in geosciences. She is also author and coauthor of numerous scientific papers, conferences papers, books, reports and guidebooks. She chaired or being member of organizing committees and/or scientific committees of numerous international scientific events. She is serving as President of African Association of Women in Geosciences (AAWG) and African Geopark Network (AGN). She is also the DESAME Coordinator and ArabGU vice President. She served as IUGS Councillor, CIFEG Managing Board member, and AAWG assistant General Secretary.

Continental Coordinator - Asia
Surya Parkash
Surya Parkash, a PhD in environmental and engineering Earth sciences with a focus on disaster management from IIT Roorkee, is Professor and Head of Geo-Meteorological and CBRN, Industrial, and Cyber DRR Divisions at NIDM, Ministry of Home Affairs, India. He also serves as Editor of the Journal on Disaster and Development, heads the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, is Chair of the Institute’s Academic Integrity Panel and is Chief Information Security Officer at NIDM.
Surya Parkash has led various disaster response teams, including those for significant events such as the Kedarnath Disaster, Kerala Floods, Covid-19, and recent landslide and cyclone responses. He coordinates disaster management across nine central ministries and has contributed to national guidelines on landslide and flood management.
Internationally, he represents India in the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL) and coordinates the Indian section of the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG). A recipient of numerous awards (including the Skoch Order of Merit and the Public Health Emergency Management Award), he has over 150 publications and has supervised multiple PhD scholars and postgraduate students.

Continental Coordinator - Oceania
Matthew Hughes
(New Zealand)
Matthew Hughes is a geoscientist based in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Canterbury, Aotearoa New Zealand. He conducts multidisciplinary and multi-agency research investigating how communities are impacted by and in turn influence the development of infrastructure, impacts of hazards on infrastructure and communities, and how long-term climate and landscape evolution processes will impact cultural heritage, settlements and infrastructure into the Anthropocene. He focuses on integrating aspects of Indigenous thinking with earth science, and on infrastructure system development driven by Indigenous community aspirations.