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Events in 2022-2023

Archive of events organized by IAPG in 2022-2023: sessions/symposia on geoethics in meetings, conferences, congresses, seminars, lectures, other initiatives.

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26 November - 1 December 2023
Santiago (Chile)
Geoethics at the XVI CGCh

XVI Chilean Geological Congress "New challenges for an evolving territory”

Thematic Area 6 (AT6): Geosciences and Society

Session AT6-6 Geoethics: Experiences and case studies in Chile

Conveners: Luisa Pinto Lincoñir, Hernán Bobadilla Rodríguez


The role of geoethics is to investigate and reflect upon the values ​​and principles that support appropriate human interactions with the earth system. Geoethics is multidisciplinary and its field of analysis and action is defined by the need to identify common values ​​based on geoscientific knowledge, which is essential to recognize our role in the sustainability of the human-Earth system. There are 4 domains of interaction: individual, interpersonal, social and environmental. These domains involve different degrees of responsibility and a series of values ​​for the achievement of ethical actions to achieve the ideals of justice, consciousness, and respect for the Earth (https:/ / 

This session welcomes contributions that highlight geoethical issues in terms of values ​​and principles in: (1) Dilemmas within the individual and/or interpersonal spheres of scientific and professional work; (2) Successful or unsuccessful cases, projects, studies, and activities with social or environmental impact in Chile (e.g., education, outreach, geoheritage, and geological risk management). Contributions accepted for this session will have the possibility of being included in the edition of a book on geoethics cases in Chile. This session is sponsored by the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG).

Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General and Chair of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics) and Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Treasurer and Treasurer of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics) gives the inaugural plenary lecture entitled "Geoethics, geosciences and global anthropogenic impacts" (26 November 2023, 18:00), and holds a workshop entitled "What is geoethics?" (26 November 2023, 10:00-13:00)

The IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics co-sponsors the XVI Chilean Geological Congress.

24 November - 3 December 2023
Lima (Peru)
MinerLima 2023

This is the 9th edition of the International Minerals and Rocks Exhibition in Lima (Peru), organized by IAPG-Peru.

MinerLima is an event to disseminate the Peruvian mineralogical heritage, through an exhibition of minerals and rocks, short courses, conferences and workshops (for children and the general public), geological excursions and even more. The most important goal of this event is to educate the Peruvian citizens on geoscience as well as to create links between the geoscience community and society.

​MinerLima 2023 and IAPG-Peru wait for you in Lima!


Website of MinerLima

23 November 2023
Adelaide (Australia)
Geoethics at the GESSS-SA 2023

Sandra Villacorta (past IAPG-Peru coordinator) gives a presentation titled "Geoethics: A foundation for responsible geoscience practice" at the Geological Society of Australia’s Earth Science Student Symposium (GESSS-SA) that is held at the Flinders University  in Adelaide.

Programme of the symposium (pdf file)

16 November 2023
Florence (Italy)
Landslides and society at the 6th WLF

6th World Landslide Forum "Landslide Science for Sustainable Development"

Theme 1 - Session 1.4

Landslides and society: cultural, educational, ethical, and social aspects in sustainable landslide risk reduction

Conveners: Matjaž Mikoš, Irasema Alcántara-Ayala, Beena Ajmera, Peter T. Bobrowsky, , Giuseppe Di Capua, Claudio Margottini, Silvia Peppoloni

Session description:

KLC2020 defines in its Action 5 «Promote open communication with local governments and society through integrated research, capacity building, knowledge transfer, awareness-raising, training, and educational activities, to enable societies and local communities to develop effective policies and strategies for reducing landslide disaster risk, to strengthen their capacities for preventing hazards from developing into major disasters, and to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of relief programs.” UNESCO is strongly supporting Open Educational Resources (OER) by adopting the Recommendation on OER in 2019 as the first international normative instrument to embrace the field of openly licensed educational materials and technologies in education. UNESCO adopted in November 2021 also the Recommendation on Open Science. Citizen scientists should be recognized as key actors of Open Science.
This Session aims at knowledge exchange among diverse stakeholders (from academic institutions, research institutions, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, engineers, policy makers, local communities), including ICL community how Open Science and Open Educational Resources can and should be developed in the field of capacity development and education for landslide risk reduction. Reports and expertise papers, case studies and best practices are welcome to shed light on how these new educational and research ways have already been or may be successfully applied worldwide to meet the Sendai Framework 2015-2030 for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Goals in the field of Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction.

This session is sponsored by the International Association for Promoting Geoethics – IAPG.

16 November 2023 - Hall 1A

- 08:30-10:30 (Chairs: Matjaž Mikoš, Slovenia; Irasema Alcántara-Ayala, Mexico)

- 11:00-13:00 (Chairs: Peter T. Bobrowsky, Canada; Beena Ajmera, USA) 

Programme (pdf)

WLF6 website:

7 November 2023
Online, 16:00 GMT-3
Geoethics in Argentina

Webinar (in Spanish) by Roberto Lencina (Councillor of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics) entitled "The geoethical dilemmas associated with mineral resources and the energy transition" (Spanish: "Los Dilemas Geoéticos Asociados a los Recursos Minerales y la Transición Energética"), organized by the Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (UNRN), Patagonia, Argentina.

Follow this event on the YouTube Channel of UNRN

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24-28 October 2023
Safi (Morocco
Geoethics in Morocco

1st International Congress on Geodiversity, Geoheritage, Geotourism, Geoeducation, Geoparks & Sustainable Development Goals (5G & SDGs)

Title of the event “Geoheritage, a new geotouristic niche to explore for an inclusive sustainable development”

Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General and Chair of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics) gives a keynote speech entitled "Geoheritage, geodiversity and geotourism through the lens of geoethics". Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG and IUGS Commission on Geoethics Treasurer) gives a talk entitled "The development of geoethics in the last ten years"

Ezzoura Errami (IAPG Continental Coordinator for Africa) is the conference chair. 

The IAPG is partner of this event.

- Programme (pdf file)

- Website

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23 October 2023
3rd Meeting of the Task Group on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

The Task Group on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics holds its first virtual meeting.



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16-20 October 2023
Tarija (Bolivia)
Geoethics at the XXV Bolivian Geological Congress 2023

IAPG-Bolivia (Coordinator: Wilfredo Ramos Collorana, Presidente del Colegio de Geólogos de Bolivia) organizes a meeting of the IAPG at the XXV Congreso Geológico Boliviano (Bolivian Geological Congress).

This congress is co-sponsored by the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics.

First Circular (pdf file)

XXV Congreso Geológico Boliviano_geoethics.PNG
17 October 2023
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA)
IAPG endorses a Pardee Keynote Symposium at GSA Connects 2023

International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) endorses a Pardee Keynote Symposium at the Connects 2023 of the Geological Society of America:


P3. Addressing Society’s Urgent Need for Critical Minerals; From Policy to Practice
Tue., 17 Oct., 8 a.m.–12 p.m.

Organizers: Lily Jackson; Erin Phillips; Franciszek Hasiuk; Danielle N. Woodring; and James Heller

Endorsers: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Energy Geology Division; GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division; GSA Geology and Public Policy Committee; Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) Center for Critical Minerals Strategy; International Association for Promoting Geoethics

This symposium will highlight the multidimensional topics facing society pertaining to critical minerals. Expert speakers will address current circumstances surrounding critical minerals and policy, geopolitics and national security, roadblocks to new mining ventures, permitting processes and NEPA, and social and environmental justice. Audience members will be engaged throughout the session via interactive polling. Following talks from invited speakers, join us for a moderated panel discussion in this interactive symposium.

Connect 2023 website

14 October 2023
International Geoethics Day 2023: celebration by IAPG India 

IAPG India, in cooperation with the National Institute of Disaster Management, India, celebrates the 7th edition of the International Geoethics Day with a conference.

Theme: "Geoethics with focus on Geoheritage, Geotourism and Geoconservation''.

Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General and Chair of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics) gives an introductory speech entitled "Ethical and societal relevance of geodiversity, geoheritage, and geoconservation: the geoethical perspective".

Time: 14:00 (IST)
Venue: online event

This event is co-sponsored by the IAPG.

Poster (pdf)

13 October 2023
International Geoethics Day 2023: celebration by Geological Survey of India 

The Geological Survey of India celebrates the 7th edition of the International Geoethics Day and the 2nd edition of the International Geodiversity Day with a workshop.

Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Treasurer) gives a keynote entitled "Building New Perspectives for Human Progress Through Geoethics". Surya Parkash (IAPG India Coordinator) gives a talk entitled "Geoethical Practices to Promote Geodiversity".

Theme: "Geodiversity is for everyone: A citizen centric approach''.

Technical session 1: Geodiversity is for everyone.

Technical session 2: Geoethical practices for sustaining geodiversity.

Time: 09.30 - 18:00 (IST)

Venue: Conference Hall, Geological Survey of India, CHQ, 15 Kyd Street, Kolkata (india)/Online.

This event is co-sponsored by the IAPG.

- Programme (pdf)

- Poster (pdf)

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12 October 2023
International Geoethics Day 2023: celebration by IAPG Bangladesh 

IAPG Bangladesh celebrates the 7th edition of the International Geoethics Day with a meeting.

Theme: "Fostering the importance of Geosciences for society" and '' Geodiversity Day for All''.

Time: 13:00 (GMT+6)
Venue: Saheed Mokhlesur Rahman Auditorium, Geological Survey of Bangladesh (GSB), Bhutattwa Bhaban (3rd Floor), 153 PIoneer Road, Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000 (Bangladesh)

12 October 2023
International Geoethics Day 2023: fostering the importance of geosciences for society

We celebrate the 7th edition of the International Geoethics Day on 12 October 2023.

The theme of this year is "fostering the importance of geosciences for society".

Geoscientists’ knowledge and expertise are essential to address many of the most urgent global problems, to inform decision-making, and to guide education at all levels. Geosciences provide society knowledge and tools to discuss, shape, and implement solutions to local, regional and global socio-environmental problems. Geoethics fosters the importance of geosciences for contributing to create a more sustainable and just society.


If you want to organize an event (conference, webinar, seminar, field trip, etc.) to celebrate the International Geoethics Day, please inform the IAPG Secretariat by sending an email to: IAPG will be happy to promote your event.

Hashtag: #geoethicsday2023


6 October 2023
New Delhi (India) and Online
Geoethics at the International Geodiversity Day 2023 celebration in India

Surya Parkash (IAPG-India Coordinator) gives a talk entitled "Geoethics in the Indian Context" at the event organized by the Indian National Science Academy to celebrate the International Geodiversity Day 2023 in India.

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2 October 2023
2st Meeting of the Task Group on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

The Task Group on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics holds its first virtual meeting.
Participants: Chris Atchison (USA), Giuseppe Di Capua (Italy), Éva Hartai (Hungary), Rachelle Kernen (Australia), Billy M. Williams (USA).



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26 September-10 October 2023
GSL course on geoethics

Course organized by the Geological Society on London titled: "Online Training: Exploring Geoethics: Ethics of Responsibility Towards the Earth System".

This course aims to illustrate the theoretical foundations of geoethics, providing the categories, principles and values that underlie its conceptual framework.


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21 September 2023
15:30-17:30 CEST
enza (Italy)
Geoethics at the SIMP, SGI, SOGEI, AIV Joint Congress

Joint congress of the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP), the Italian Geological Society (SGI), the Italian Society of Geochemistry (SOGEI) and the Italian Association of Volcanology (AIV), entitled "The Geoscience paradigm: Resources, Risks and future perspectives".

Session S26 "Exploring geoscience communication"

Conveners: Ortensia Amoroso, Rosa Coluzzi, Valeria Giampaolo, Vito Imbrenda, Silvia Peppoloni

Session description: Against a backdrop of growing geo-environmental concerns, a crucial question for geoscientists is how best to communicate these issues to the wider public and, as a result, more effectively communicate their technical expertise to non-technical audiences. Furthermore, European and national funding programs encourage scientists to engage the public ever more imaginatively in their work, address their collective concerns, and even have them participate in the scientific process themselves. Nowadays, geoscientists are expected to communicate with a variety of audiences in ways that are appropriate for each group, including science users and decision makers, the larger scientific community, public organizations, and individual people.
The main goal of this session is to involve geoscientists to present, discuss and share best practices in effective geoscience communication. Traditional (storytelling, language, and visualisation), emergent digital communication strategies (citizens science, social network, apps, etc.), and unconventional ones (poetry, music, art, etc.) will be considered for education, policy, public awareness, and engagement. Great attention will be devoted to the activities carried out by younger geoscientists. Contributions will be evaluated for a special issue of the Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences.

Programme (Room A5):


- 15.30-15.45: Trust in experts and authorities as influencing factors of communities' risk perception (Russo R., Gargiulo M.V., Vitale M.P., Quarta S. & Capuano P.)

- 15.45-16.00: Combining Geophysics, Sound Engineering and Multimedia Art for improving Communication and Education in Geosciences (Dell'Aversana P.)

- 16.00-16.15: Dedicated storytelling to introduce pre-scholar children to the seismic risk: Giuseppa e Tremotto the dragon (Voltattorni N.)

- 16.15-16.30: Different examples of serious games to educate risk perception (Gargiulo M.V., Napolitano F. & Capuano P.)

- 16.30-16.45: Comics as a new tool to communicate science: an example from the University of Perugia (Nazzareni S.*, Costantini E., Ciccoli N., Grohman D., Mazzoni M., Pagiotti S., Romani A. & Scarlato S.)

- 16.45-17.00: SADP - Southern Alberta Dinosaur Project (Canada) (Giamborino A. & Fanti F.)

- 17.00-17.15: Geodiversity assessment in the Beigua UNESCO Global Geopark (Liguria, Italy): valuing geoheritage for education, tourism, and community engagement (Gianoglio F., Castello G., Caprioglio M.C., Cavalletti B., Corsi M., Rocca M. & Marescotti P.)

- 17.15-17.30: The many voices of Vesuvius. Anthropology of risk communication (Gugg G.)


- Booth 69: The contamination of quantitative approaches with qualitative methods as a communication strategy for geoscience. Practices from field work in human geography (Matarazzo N., Coluzzi R., D’Emilio M., Imbrenda V., Lanfredi M. & Samela C.)

- Booth 70: Impacts of regenerative agricultural practices on soil health and carbon sequestration as a driver of rural eco-entrepreneurship towards the creation of a Living Lab in Southern Italy: the case study of FARMS4CLIMATE project (Berloco T., Calabritto M., Loiudice C., Carlucci G., Laterza D., Lardo E. & Mininni A.N.) 

- Booth 71: Towards the use of Citizen Science for land consumption monitoring (D'Agata A.) 

- Booth 72: Awareness to land degradation phenomena on Earth surface: chronicles from Basilicata (Southern Italy) (Giampaolo V., Calamita G., Capozzoli L., Coluzzi R., De Martino G., Fanti L., Gaudiosi I., Imbrenda V. & Sinisi R.)

- Booth 73: Climate change, effects and strategies in the drawings of elementary school students (D’Addezio G. & Besker N.)   

- Booth 74: Disclosure of geological sciences through the geosites: the example of Geoscuola project in Basilicata (Lucente S., Bentivenga M., Cantarelli V., Giordano A., Prosser G., Rizzo G., Soldo G., Baggi I.G. & Guidetti G.) 

- Booth 75: The CORE project APP: Teacher’s training (Gargiulo M.V., Amoroso O., Russo R. & Capuano P.)

- Booth 76: Vesuvius, from risk to resource? The show for the past and future Grand Tour (De Novellis V. & Somma R.) 

Session programme in the congress website:

18 September 2023
1st Meeting of the Task Group on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

The Task Group on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics holds its first virtual meeting.
Participants: Silvia Peppoloni (Italy), Chris Atchison (USA), Giuseppe Di Capua (Italy), Yong Ge (China), Éva Hartai (Hungary), Rachelle Kernen (Australia), Billy M. Williams (USA).



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15 September 2023
2nd Meeting of the Task Group on Ethical Guidelines of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics

The Task Group on Ethical Guidelines of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics holds its second virtual meeting.
Participants: Vince Cronin (USA), Rie Hori (Japan), Vitor Correia (Portugal), Jorge Gomes Tapias (Colombia), Ruth Allington (United Kingdom).



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14 September 2023
Stockholm (Sweden)
Geoethics in a Symposium at the Stockholm University

This symposium is a joint event by Stockholm University, International Union of Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH), Union Union Académique Internationale, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange.

Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG and IUGS Commission on Geoethics Treasurer) delivers an invited talk entitled "Etiology of the Ecological Crisis: Building New Perspectives for Human Progress Through Geoethics" in the Session "Ecology and (global) ethics".

Abstract: The socio-ecological crisis is a global polycrisis, which needs to be answered on a scientific-technical level (identifying most probable scenarios and sustainable solutions), cultural level (building a society of solidarity, respect, and responsibility) and aesthetic level (redefining the human sensorial perception of the environmental reality). Humanity has become the main engine of climate and ecological change on a global scale, in turn fueled by a general homogenization of the economic models adopted and of people's social needs and expectations. Anthropogenic global environmental changes have produced further transformations in human communities, prompting them in turn to conform to the same concerns and hopes. Now, we are witnessing an epochal transition, in which increased environmental awareness, especially on the part of the younger generations, can lead humanity to a more fruitful coexistence between a local/regional community dimension and a (global) cosmopolitan one, which is not based on ideological-political beliefs of individual parts, but on the sharing of a commondestiny of species by all, as an effect of an increased perception of the physical, chemical, biological limits that underlie human life on the planet and of the precariousness of the social-ecological interrelationships that characterize the Earth. A human community is not a simple aggregation of individuals, but a system of relationships that binds people to the physical, biological, technological environment, virtual and material, through organizational, cultural, social, economic and moral constraints. It is through the sharing of ideals, values, languages, meanings, rules of conduct, traditions that the collective identity is structured and the material and spiritual existence of each individual can be enriched with sense. Geoethics can represent the way for a cultural renewal of society, orienting human choices and decisions starting from a common framework of shared principles and values, capable of responding to global environmental and social changes in a functional and responsible way, by promoting a solidarity, intercultural and interethnic vision, and respect for the environment. Geoethics is substantially an ethics of the global socio-environmental responsibility of a planetary citizenry, grafted onto geoscience (the science that studies the Earth system and its subsystems) which not only has a self-realizing purpose, but is above all the means by which:
a) responsibly assisting society in the great contemporary and future challenges of the Anthropocene by promoting policies of mitigation and adaptation to global environmental changes;

b) contributing to the development of a culture of knowledge of the common home and to the modification of the aesthetic dimension through which human beings perceive the Earth, thanks to its educational and training potential.
Geoethical thought is the tool for guiding our technological societies towards authentic humanistic-ecological progress, which modifies the aesthetic dimension that human beings have of themselves and of Earth.

Website of the Stockholm University

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12-13 September 2023
Stockholm (Sweden)
Geoethics at the Third CIPSH Conference on Global Ethics 

This conference is an activity of the CIPSH Academy on Chinese Cultures under the patronage of the Union Union Académique Internationale and funded by the CCK Foundation and The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities.

Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG and IUGS Commission on Geoethics Treasurer) delivers an invited talk entitled "Etiology of the Ecological Crisis: Building New Perspectives for Human Progress Through Geoethics" in the Session 2 "How can a global geoethics and a new technoethics grounded in various ethical traditions help us resist threats to a sustainable future?"

Abstract: The socio-ecological crisis is a global polycrisis, to be addressed on a scientific-technical level (identifying most probable scenarios and sustainable solutions), cultural level (building a society of solidarity, respect, and responsibility) and aesthetic level (redefining the human sensorial perception of the environmental reality). Humanity has become the main engine of climate and ecological change at a global scale, in turn fueled by a general homogenization of the economic models adopted and of people's social needs and expectations. Anthropogenic global environmental changes have produced further transformations in human communities, prompting them in turn to conform to the same concerns and hopes. Geoethics can represent the way for a cultural renewal of society, orienting human choices and decisions starting from a common framework of shared principles and values, capable of responding to global environmental and social changes, by promoting a solidarity, intercultural and interethnic vision, and respect for the environment. Geoethics is substantially an ethics of the global socio-environmental responsibility of a planetary citizenry, grafted onto geoscience (the science that studies the Earth system and its subsystems).

7 September 2023
Berlin (Germany)
Geoethics at GeoBerlin 2023

Geosciences Beyond Boundaries - Research, Society, Future

150th PGLA (BGR) Anniversary and 175th DGGV Anniversary

Session 4.12 "Geoethics – fostering ethical perspectives in the Geosciences" 

Conveners: Dominic Hildebrandt, Martin Bohle, Bárbara Zambelli

Session supported by the IAPG


1:30pm - 2:00pm (Invited Session Keynote)
Geoethics and Transgenerational Climate Crimes - four examples to hold States and corporations accountable (by Angelica De Freitas, AIC Agencia de Iniciativas Cidadas, Brazil)

2:00pm - 2:15pm
Responsible Geosciences, or Geoscience Literacy for Urbanites (by Martin Bohle, Ronin Institute, Montclair, NJ, USA and International Association for Promoting Geoethics - IAPG, Rome, Italy)

- Presentation (pdf file)

2:15pm - 2:30pm
Let us synchronize watches (by Jonas Grutzpalk, HSPV NRW, Germany)

Session description: The potential for the Geosciences to make meaningful contributions to great societal issues is immense. Yet, this also implies huge internal challenges for the Geoscience community itself. Geoethics helps to guide these efforts as a conceptual framework dealing with ethical aspects of Geoscience activities. As an expression of critical thinking and taking responsibility Geoethics is fundamental to all kinds of Geoscience subdisciplines, although it may rise different implications depending on the specific context. Often these are intimately linked to peculiarities of our discipline, e.g. its historically male-dominated character, the image of geoscientists in the public as well as a strong focus on field work. These factors may become a barrier for geoscientists' ability to answer societally relevant problems. Therefore, with this session we aim to provide a dynamic environment for discussions and works featuring a critical analysis of 1) geoscience history and its implications, 2) intra-scientific issues such as inequalities and discriminations of all kinds, 3) working methods and their implications for the environment, research objects and local communities, 4) geosciences at the interface with society, politics and other stakeholders as well as 5) geo-communication and geo-education.

This session in the GeoBerlin 2023 website:

GeoBerlin 2023 website:

12 August 2023
Geoethics webinar in Peru

Judith Sullon (IAPG-Peru) delivers an onlin talk (in Spanish) entitled "Hacia una formación en valores geoéticos" (Towards a training in geoethical values).

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2 August 2023
Meeting of the Task Group on Ethical Guidelines of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics

The Task Group on Ethical Guidelines of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics holds its first virtual meeting.
Participants: Silvia Peppoloni (Italy), Vince Cronin (USA), Rie Hori (Japan), Vitor Correia (Portugal), Jorge Gomes Tapias (Colombia), Ruth Allington (United Kingdom), Giuseppe Di Capua (Italy).



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30 July 2023
Tehran (Iran)
Geoethics seminar and webinar in Iran

Parviz Armani (IAPG-Iran Coordinator) delivers a talk (in Persian) entitled "The International Association for Promoting Geoethics" in a seminar and webinar at the Research Institute for Earth Sciences - Geological Survey of Iran.


27 June 2023
Perth (Australia)
Geoethics at the AESC 2023

Australian Earth Sciences Convention (AESC) 2023

Session 5.1a

Geoethics to responsibly manage local and global challenges of our times

Conveners: Silvia Peppoloni, Peter T. Bobrowsky, John Ludden, Sandra Villacorta Chambi

Session co-organized by: IAPG and IUGS.

Session description: Geoscience knowledge and expertise are essential to address a wide range of the most pressing social-environmental concerns, inform decision-making, and guide education at all levels. All branches of geosciences have cultural, social and ethical implications. Hence, geoscientists face ethical issues in their professional and civic roles. Geoscientists are becoming increasingly aware of their ethical responsibilities to serve society and foster public trust in geosciences. Geoethics aims to provide a common framework to responsibly manage questions such as geo-resources, geological risks, pollution, geoheritage, as well as geoscience-society-policy interaction and relationships with Indigenous communities. This session aims to nourish the discussion on appropriate behaviours and practices, also through case-studies, wherever human activities interact with the Earth system.

This session is included in the theme: Critical role of geoscience in Australia's future.

Oral presentations:

Silvia Peppoloni (Researcher at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Rome; IAPG Secretary General and Chair of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics) will give a presentation entitled "The future of geosciences: the perspective of geoethics", Giuseppe Di Capua (Researcher at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Rome; Treasurer of the IAPG and the IUGS Commission on Geoethics) will give a presentation entitled "Ten years of geoethics".

Poster presentation:

Luisa Pinto (IAPG-Chile coordinator) will present the poster "Geoethics in Engineering Geology and Geosciences careers: a South American perspective".

AESC 2023 website:​

Programme of the session (pdf file)

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16 June 2023
Lima (Peru)
Official launch of MinerLima 2023

Launch of the 9th edition of MinerLima, the International Minerals and Rocks Exhibition in Lima (Peru), organized by IAPG-Peru.

This event tooks place at the Andres Del Castillo Museum in Lima (Peru).

- Programme (pdf file)
- Video

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14 June 2023
Webinar on groundwater in Portugal

Manuel Abrunhosa (IAPG Board of Experts) delivers a talk (in Portugues) entitled "Groundwater in the Sustainability of 21st Century Cities" (Águas Subterrâneas na Sustentabilidade das Cidades do século XXI).

IAPG co-sponsors this event.


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1 June 2023
Presentation in Peru

Presentation of the "White Paper: Gestión de Riesgo de Desastres en el Perú" by César Abad Pérez. This event is organized by IAPG-Peru.

Editorial Committee of the White Paper: César Abad Pérez, Sandra Villacorta, Juvenal Medina, Gabriela Quiroz, Pedro Isique, Christian Ayala.

Read the White Paper here (in Spanish)

Video (Facebook)

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26 May 2023
Fornazzo-Milo (Italy)
17:00-20:00 CEST
Conference on Geoethics in Sicily (Italy)

Festa delle Biodiversità dell'Etna (Etna Biodiversity Festival)

Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General and Chair of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics) delivers an invited talk (in Italian) entitled "Geoethics: rewriting the relationship that binds us to the Earth" at the Conference "Geoethics: Reflections on the Etna area and the human being-environment relationship".

The conference is included in the programme of the Etna Biodiversity Festival that is held in Fornazzo, Milo, Sicily (Italy).


International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) is among the sponsoring organizations of the conference.

Download the programme of the conference and the festival (pdf file)

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2 May 2023
Meeting of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics

The Commission on Geoethics of the International Union of Geological Sciences takes its 1st meeting. Participants: Silvia Peppoloni (Italy), Peter T. Bobrowsky (Canada), Giuseppe Di Capua (Italy), Ruth Allington (United Kingdom), Soumaya Ayadi-Maasri (Lebanon), Roberto Lencina (Argentina), David Mogk (USA).



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25-27 April 2023
Vienna (Austria) and online
Geoethics at the EGU 2023

Session EOS4.1 

Geoethics: Geoscience Implications for Professional Communities, Society, and Environment

Conveners: Silvia Peppoloni, Antti-Ilari Partanen, Louise Mimeau, Giuseppe Di Capua

Orals | Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST), 14:00–15:45 (CEST) Room 0.14

Posters on site | Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) Hall X2

Posters virtual | Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) vHall EOS

Session co-organized by BG8/CL3/ERE1/GM13/NH9/OS5 and co-sponsored by IAPG

Programme EOS4.1

Session EOS2.3: Climate and ocean education: Geoethics, emergency, fossil fuels, war and more

Conveners: David Crookall, Giuseppe Di Capua, Svitlana Krakovska, Bärbel Winkler, Dean Page

Orals | Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) Room 0.15

Posters on site | Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) Hall X2

Posters virtual | Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) vHall EOS

Session co-organized by CL3/OS5 and co-sponsored by IAPG and Future Earth

Programme EOS2.3

Town Hall Meeting TM14: Climate change communication: What policy, education, research, geoethics and action are realistic?

Conveners: David Crookall and Bärbel Winkler

Tue, 25 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST) Room 1.14

Session co-organized by CL3/OS5 and co-sponsored by IAPG and Future Earth

Programme TM14

Details about these sessions and town hall meeting:

19 April 2023
Online, 11:30 am (WEST)
Talk on Geoethics in Portugal

Giuseppe Di Capua (Treasurer of the IAPG and Commission on Geoethics of the IUGS) takes a seminar entitled "The need of geoethics for society" at the event "Café com Ciência" (Coffee with Science, Seminar Series). This seminar is organized by the Centro de Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIIMAR) of the Universidade do Porto (UP) in collaboration with the Centro de Monitorização e Interpretação Ambiental (CMIA) of Matosinhos and CMIA of Vila do Conde



Link to Zoom (free access)

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12 April 2023
Online, 9:00 pm (GMT-5)
MinerLima 2023
First Coordination Meeting

First coordination meeting for MinerLima 2023. This is the 9th edition of the International Minerals and Rocks Exhibition in Lima (Peru), organized by IAPG-Peru.

For information:

Website of MinerLima:

11-15 April 2023
Ankara (Turkey)
Geoethics at the 75th GCT

THE CALL FOR ABSTRACT IS OPEN (deadline: 31 January 2023)​

Session “Sustainable use of georesources (including mines, water and energy resources) and geoethics” at the 75th Geological Congress of Turkey, organized by the Union of Chambers of Turkish Architects and Engineers Chamber of Geological Engineers (TMMOB-JMO).

Conveners: Yüksel Örgün Tutay (IAPG-Turkey Co-coordinator), Dündar Çağlan (IAPG-Turkey Co-coordinator), M.Cemal Göncüoğlu. 

Session description (pdf file):

Congress website:

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31 March-1 April 2023
Ottawa (Canada)
IAPG at the
CFES Annual General Meeting

IAPG is represented by Paul Hubley (IAPG-Canada Coordinator) at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (CFES).

The IAPG is an Observer Organization of the CFES from 2018. IAPG-Canada represents IAPG in the CFES Council Meetings.

23 March 2023
Pisa (Italy), 14:00-16:00 CET
Seminar on geoethics in Italy

Silvia Peppoloni (Researcher at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome, Italy; IAPG Secretary General; Chair of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics) gives a seminar (in Italian), entitled "Geoethics and Anthropogenic Global Impacts: Resources, Riskes, and Responsibility", in the seminar cycle "Sustainability, climate change and water resources" organized by the Department of Earth Sciences - University of Pisa, the Master's Degree Course in Environmental Sciences and the Interdepartmental Research Center for the Study of the Effects of Climate Change (CIRSEC), with the patronage of the Italian Association of Environmental Sciences and the Order of Geologists of Tuscany.


Link Teams

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8 March 2023
3rd Conference of Peruvian Women in Geosciences

IAPG-Peru organizes the 3rd Conference of Peruvian Women in Geosciences to celebrate the International Women's Day 2023.

Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General and Chair of the IUGS - Commission on Geoethics) gives an invited introductive talk (see the video:

Download the poster (pdf file)

Video recording of the event (in Spanish)

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14-15 February 2023
Belfast (UK)
IAPG at the 78th IUGS EC meeting

IAPG is represented by Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) and Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Treasurer) at the 78th Executive Committee meeting of the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences.

10 February 2023
Turin (Italy), 10:00 CET
International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Turin, Turin, Italy (Aula Vallauri)

Invited talk (in Italian) by Silvia Peppoloni (INGV, Italy and IAPG Secretary General), entitled "Consapevolezza, emancipazione e responsabilità delle scienziate della Terra" (Awareness, empowerment and responsibility of women scientists in Earth Sciences) at the event "The Space of Science: paths and gender roles in research" organized at the University of Turin, Department of Earth Sciences, to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

This event is supported by the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics and can be also attended online (download the leaflet to get the link).

- Download the leaflet (pdf file)

- Webex link:

International Day of Women and Girls in Science_IAPG-Italy_Silvia Peppoloni.jpg
19 January 2023
IAPG-Peru General Assembly

Online event


IAPG-Peru organizes its first general assembly to discuss the plan of activity 2023, to inform about activities of task groups and the students group and to report about MinerLima 2022.

17 January 2023

Online event


Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) and Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Treasurer) have a meeting with Luiz Oosterbeek (President of the CIPSH - International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences) to discuss about future joint initiatives for developing and promoting geoethics.

16 December 2022
19:00 (GMT-5)
Women in Geosciences in Peru

Online event


IAPG-Peru co-organizes the 3rd Meeting of Peruvian Women in Geosciences (in Spanish: "3er Conversatorio de Mujeres Peruanas en Geociencias"). In this meeting IAPG-Peru discusses about details of the event to be organized in 2023.


Zoom link

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1 December 2022
13:30 (GMT+4:30)
Webinar co-organized by IAPG-Afghanistan

Online event


IAPG-Afghanistan co-organizes the Webinar “Making Groundwater Visible in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions” to celebrate the Groundwater Summit 2022 with the Afghanistan Groundwater Group (AGG), the Portuguese Chapter of the IAH (AIH-GP).

Mohammad Salem Hussaini and Asadullah Farahmand (IAPG-Afghanistan Co-coordinators) are among the moderators of the event. Manuel Abrunhosa (IAPG Board of Experts) is one of the speaker.

For attending this webinar, please register before the end of November by using the following link:

- Poster (pdf file)

- Announcement with details (pdf file)

23-27 November 2022
Lima (Peru)
MinerLima 2022

This is the 8th edition of the International Minerals and Rocks Exhibition in Lima (Peru), organized by IAPG-Peru.

MinerLima is an event to disseminate the Peruvian mineralogical heritage, through an exhibition of minerals and rocks, short courses, conferences and workshops (for children and the general public), geological excursions and even more. The most important goal of this event is to educate the Peruvian citizens on geoscience as well as to create links between the geoscience community and society.
MinerLima is organized by IAPG-Peru at the Parque Alfredo Salazar, Miraflores, Lima. Everybody is invited to be part of this event. The entrance is free.
After the official inauguration of MinerLima 2022 on 10 June 2022, conferences on geoethics, deontology in geosciences, geology, crystallography, petrology, litho-geochemistry, paleontology have been held by experts, among them the event "The new Socio-environmental Challenges in Las Bambas Mining" ("Los nuevos Retos Socio-ambientales en la Minera Las Bambas", in Spanish) held on 30 September 2022 at Museo de Minerales Andrés del Castillo in Lima. 
In addition, with the support of the IAPG-Peru student chapters, workshops and competitions for school children on the Universe, volcanoes, earthquakes, mass movements, minerals and the identification of rocks have been organized. The have already been studied, soon the theme will include. Students were also involved in choosing the mascot of MinerLima 2022 through a public contest.
Among the other activities planned there is a field trip that will be announced on the official Facebook page of the “Feria Internacional de Minerales de Lima”:

Details about the program are available on the MinerLima website:

MinerLima 2022 and IAPG-Peru wait you in Lima!

9 November 2022
10:00-17:30 (CET)
IAPG at the DDE Open Science Forum

Paris (France)


Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) represents the IAPG at the Deep-Time Digital Earth (DDE) Open Science Forum, that is held in Paris (France) at the UNESCO Headquarters.

Silvia is panelist of the Technical Session 4 "Geo-literacy: raising public awareness and societal relevance of geosciences".   

- Download the agenda (pdf file)

- DDE website

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8 November 2022
20:00 (EET)
Event organized by IAPG-Greece

IAPG-Greece and SafeGreece organize an online event on the topic "Public communication of seismic hazard issues and geoethical dilemmas”.

Gerasimos A. Papadopoulos, scientific associate of UNESCO, President of SafeGreece and IAPG-Greece Co-coordinator delivers a keynote speech. The President of the Hellenic Geological Society, Dr. Athanasios Ganas, Director of Research at the Geodynamic Institute of the National Observatory of Athens, and the President of the Anti-Seismic Planning and Protection Organization, Dr. Efthymis Lekkas, Professor of the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment, NKUA, give a foreword. The event is coordinated by Maria Triantaphyllou, Professor of the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment, NKUA, and IAPG-Greece Co-coordinator. During this event a short video on "Geoethics and geological risks" (by Silvia Peppoloni, IAPG Secretary General) is projected.

Download the leaflet, in Greek (pdf file)

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13-14 October 2022
Celebration in India of the International Geoethics Day 2022

Online workshop entitled "Nurturing Geodiversity: A Road to Sustainable Development", organized by the Geological Survey of India to celebrate the 1st International Day of Geodiversity and the 6th International Geoethics Day. This is a run up event to the yearlong celebration (up to August 2023) of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav commemorating 75 years of Indian Independence. 

Venue: Conference Hall, Geological Survey of India, CHQ, 15 Kyd Street, Kol-16/ online.

- Programme (pdf file)

- Webex link Day 2 (14 October, 10:30-18:00 IST)

Final Report by Geological Survey of India (pdf file)

13 October 2022
Geoethics at an IUGS Earth Sciences Festival event

Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Treasurer) gives a talk at the event "Geoscience Solutions for Net Zero", organized by the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences for its Earth Sciences Festival. Giuseppe's talk is entitled "Geoethics of advocacy in addressing society’s greatest challenges".

From 12:00 to 2:20 PM (BST): 11 x short talks by leading science, policy and energy experts.

From 2:20 PM to 3:20 PM (BST): panel discussions closed and open.

Programme and registration:

13 October 2022
International Geoethics Day 2022

6th edition of this event that is celebrated worldwide, during the Earth Science Week and the month of the Global Ethics Day.

Theme of the event: promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Hashtag: #geoethicsday2022


Read more about the International Geoethics Day

13 October 2022
Celebration in Italy of the International Geoethics Day 2022

Webinar entitled "Geoethics without borders: Transdisciplinary visions for sustainability", organized by the Department of Earth Sciences at the Turin University and IAPG-Italy/Section of Geoethics and Geological Culture of the Italian Geological Society.

16:00-19:00 CEST

- Programme (pdf file)

- Webex link

13 October 2022
Celebration in Peru of the International Geoethics Day 2022

Webinar in Peru to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2022, organized by IAPG-Peru. 3 speakers give talks about geoethics to axchieve the sustainable development goals, the importance to have geologists working in each municipality, and geoethics and social management with reference to native communities. This event is in Spanish.

16:00-19:00 (PET)

- Zoom link

- Poster (pdf file)

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13 October 2022
Celebration in Morocco of the International Geoethics Day 2022

Event onsite organized at the Polydisciplinary Faculty, Cadi Ayyad University, Safi, Morocco to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2022.

Poster in Arabic (pdf file)

13 October 2022
Celebration in India of the International Geoethics Day 2022

Webinar entitled "Advocating Geoethics for SFDRR, SDGs, and CCA", organized by the National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, in collaboration with the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics and Adamas University (West Bengal, India), to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2022. 

Hour: 02:00 pm - 04:00 pm (IST); 08:30 am - 10:30 am (GMT) 

- Free registration

- Poster (pdf file)

- YouTube public link

13 October 2022
Celebration in Bangladesh of the International Geoethics Day 2022

Onsite event organized by IAPG-Bangladesh to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2022.

Discussion Theme: promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Venue: Shaheed Mokleshur Rahman Auditorium, Geological Survey of Bangladesh.

Hour: 14:00 (BST)

13 October 2022
Celebration in New Zealand of the International Geoethics Day 2022

Webinar entitled "International Geoethics Day Seminar", organized by the Geoscience Society of New Zealand. This event explores topics relating to ethics in the geosciences in honour of International Geoethics Day on October 13th. In a panel of three speakers each gives a short 20 min talk, followed by time for questions and discussion.

Free registration



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10-11 October 2022
Celebration in India of the International Geoethics Day 2022

Special Twin Event to celebrate the 1st International Geodiversity Day and the 6th International Geoethics Day, entitled "Geoheritage Conservation and Geoethics", at the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, India.

- Day 1 (10 Oct.): 9:15 am IST | 8 hours 45 minutes

- Day 2 (11 Oct.): 10:30 am to 1:40 pm IST

- Programme (pdf file)

- YouTube public link Day 1

- YouTube public link Day 2

21 September 2022
10:00-12:00 (GMT-4)
Geoethics seminar in Chile

IAPG-Chile/Geoethics Group of SGCh organizes the fourth seminar of the series "Towards the construction of Chilean Geoethics Code".

This event is in Spanish and is held online by using the software Zoom.

This seminar is entitled "From the contribution to the training of new generations of scientists and professionals in geosciences".

Speakers (among brackets, the titles of talks):

- Sandra Villacorta (The importance of geoethics in the geological engineering career)

- Reynaldo Charrier (Ethics and deontology in the training of geoscientists)

- Download the poster (pdf file, text in Spanish)

- Registration

- Zoom link

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13 September 2022
3:45-5:00 pm CEST
Geoethics at the GeoMinKöln 2022

Cologne (Germany)

Session 10.2 "Geoethics – fostering ethical perspectives in Geosciences"

Conveners: Dominic Hildebrandt (IAPG-Germany co-coordinator), Simon Schneider (IAPG-Germany co-coordinator), Martin Bohle (IAPG Board of Experts)

Session description: Geoethics is a dynamically evolving concept framing various kinds of ethical aspects of Geoscience activities. As an expression of critical thinking and taking responsibility, Geoethics is fundamental to all kinds of Geoscience subdisciplines, however raising different types of questions and problems depending on the specific context. Many of these are intimately linked to specialties of our discipline, e.g. its historically male-dominated character as well as a strong focus on field work. With this session we aim to provide a platform for current works featuring critical analysis of 1) geoscience history and its implications, 2) intra-scientific issues such as gender inequalities or racism, 3) working methods and their implications for the environment, research objects and local communities, 4) geoscientists' work at the interface to society, politics and other stakeholders including geocommunication and geoeducation. We encourage you to submit your work to our session even if your specific topic is not covered above, but has a geoethical dimension.


Programme (4 presentations)


31 August - 2 September 2022
Course on Geoethics in Peru

IAPG-Peru organizes an online course on geoethics for MinerLima 2022. The course is entitled "The exercise of geoethics and deontology in geosciences".

This event is in Spanish and is supported by CERSEU FIGMMG UNMSM - Student Chapter IAPG UNMSM - GEIPEE UNMSM.


Download the programme (pdf file, text in Spanish)

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24 August 2022
10:00-12:00 (GMT-4)
Geoethics seminar in Chile

IAPG-Chile/Geoethics Group of SGCh organizes the third seminar of the series "Towards the construction of Chilean Geoethics Code".

This event is in Spanish and is held online by using the software Zoom.

This seminar is entitled "The relationship of geosciences with society".

Speakers (among brackets, the titles of talks):

- Felipe Orellana (Geology and Transdisciplinarity: Governance Strategies at the community level in the Anthropocene Epoch)

- Vladimir Vicencio (The case of the Municipality of Petorca and the Office of Water Affairs)

- Paula Ramos (Geology, the Science that Studies the Patta'hoiri - Mother Earth)

- Download the poster (pdf file, text in Spanish)

- Registration

- Zoom link

15 August 2022
14:00-15:30 GMT-4
Geoethics at the AGU Chapman Conference

American Geophysical Union (AGU) Headquarter

Washington D.C., USA

Room 325 (inperson event)

Title: Geoethics and Diversity Reading Seminar

Chair: Rachel E. Bernard

Description: In this reading session, participants will be discussing a review article on the field of geoethics: “The intersection of geoethics and diversity in the geosciences,” by Mogk, in Geoethics: Status and Future Perspectives (eds. Di Capua et al.), The Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 2020. Participants will be expected to have read (some or all of) this article prior to the conference, so that they may engage fully in the discussion.


28 July 2022
10:00-12:00 (GMT-4)
Geoethics seminar in Chile

IAPG-Chile/Geoethics Group of SGCh organizes the second seminar of the series "Towards the construction of Chilean Geoethics Code".

This event is in Spanish and is held online by using the software Zoom.

This seminar is entitled "On geoscience and its relationship with nature and culture".

Speakers (among brackets, the titles of talks):

- Sebastián Ureta (Worlds of gray and green: Rethinking mineral extraction as an ecological practice)

- Verónica Oliveros (Community-scale geology)

- Download the poster (pdf file, text in Spanish)

- Registration

- Zoom link

15 July 2022
Invited speech on geoethics

Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) delivers an online invited speech, entitled "Geoethics and Oceans: Challenges and Opportunities" at the 6th International Summer University (Webinar) on "Oceans, People and Cooperation for Sustainable Development" of the UNESCO Chair on Geoparks, Sustainable Developments and Healthy Lifestyles at the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal.


30 June 2022
General Assembly of the IAPG-Peru

This event is held online and chaired by Pedro Isique (IAPG-Peru Coordinator).

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20 June 2022
Keynote speech on geoethics at the CGEO 2022 in Portugal

Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) delivers an online keynote speech, entitled "Geosciences to achieve UN SDGs: The need for geoethics" at the CGEO 2022 Conference.
This event is organized by the Centro de Geociências of the Coimbra University (Portugal) at the Centro Cultural “Elvino Pereira”, Mação (20 June 2022).


- Website

- Video recording

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10 June 2022
6:30 pm GMT-5
Launch of MinerLima 2022 by IAPG-Peru

Launch of the 8th edition of the Mineralogical Exhibition of Peru (MinerLima 2022).
This year the coordinator of this important event will be César Chacaltana (IAPG-Peru, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, INGEMMET).
During MinerLima 2022 courses and conferences, seminars and roundtables, excursions and guided tours, workshops for students, technological, minerals, rocks and fossils exhibitions will be included in the programme.


6-9 June 2022
IAPG supports the Oxford Geoheritage Virtual Conference 2022

The Oxford Geoheritage Virtual Conference (OxGVC) is held online, is free to attend, and open to all!

This event is supported by the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics.

Check out the website for more information:

28 May 2022
2:30-2:50 pm CEST
Talk on geoethics in Germany

Dominic Hildebrandt gives a talk (in German), entitled "Geoethik – kritisches Denken der Problemlöser*innen von morgen" (Geoethics – critical thinking of problem solvers of tomorrow), in the framework of the Bundesfachschaftentagung in Halle an der Saale (Germany). The Bundesfachschaftentagung is a meeting, where student representatives in the Geosciences from Germany, Austria and Switzerland come together for several days to exchange thoughts on student affairs. This time the event is held together with the student representatives in Geography.

26 May 2022
Keynote on geoethics to face natural risks at NatHaz22

Silvia Peppoloni gives a keynote, entitled "Geoethics to face natural risks by improving societal resilience", at the International Workshop on Natural Hazards (NatHaz22) under the theme "Volcanic Risks" to be held in Angra do Heroísmo, in Terceira island (Azores), on the 26th and 27th of May 2022.

Programme (pdf file)

26-27 May 2022
2nd Peruvian Conference on Geotechnics

IAPG-Peru co-organizes this online event. Theme "Geological Engineering and Civil Engineering: Building the Future".


23-24 May 2022, Vienna (Austria)
Geoethics at the EGU 2022

Session EOS4.1: Geoethics in the face of global anthropogenic changes: how do we intersect different knowledge domains?

24 May 2022, 13:20–16:34 (CEST), Room 1.14
Conveners: Silvia Peppoloni, Giuseppe Di Capua, John Ludden, Luiz Oosterbeek, Pimnutcha Promduangsri, Billy Williams
Chairpersons: Eduardo Marone, Pimnutcha Promduangsri

Session sponsored by the IAPG, AGU, CIPSH, IUGS 


Session EOS1.8: Climate & ocean literacy: Helping people to care ethically within planetary boundaries

24 May 2022, 17:00–18:30 (CEST), Room 1.14
Conveners: David Crookall, Giuseppe Di Capua, Bärbel Winkler, Mario Mascagni, Francesca Santoro
Chairpersons: Giuseppe Di Capua, Bärbel Winkler, David Crookall

Session sponsored by the IAPG


Townhall Meeting TM8: Exploring the nexus of geoethics and climate change education
24 May 2022, 19:00–20:00 (CEST), Room 1.14
Conveners: Giuseppe Di Capua, David Crookall, Bärbel Winkler, Eduardo Marone, Sabine Undorf, Sylvia Knight

Townhall Meeting sponsored by the IAPG


Short Course SC4.1: Geoethics for Earth, Marine and Atmospheric Sciences

23 May 2022, 13:20–14:50 (CEST), Room -2.61/62
Conveners: Eduardo Marone, Silvia Peppoloni

Short course sponsored by the IAPG and IOI-TC-LAC.


Details about events above at:

20 May 2022
IAPG-Germany for Fridays at the Museum

This event (in German) is organized by GeoForum of LMU Munich. This event is moderated by Simon Schneider (IAPG-Germany co-coordinator). Claudia Antratschke (Head of Department Collections and Research at the Landesmuseum Hannover) provides insight into how the context of finding and obtaining artifacts and specimens in the geosciences needs to be rethought. Artifacts - for example, in paleontology - have sometimes been taken from sites without taking into account local communities and their perceptions of nature.


12 May 2022
Talk on Geoethics in Lima (Peru)

6:00 pm GMT-5

Auditorium of the School of Geological Engineering of the UNMSM - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima (Peru).

Pedro Isique (IAPG-Peru Coordinator) delivers a talk (in Spanish), entitled "Geoethics: A new path of thought and practice of geoscience".

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9-11 May 2022
First Brazilian Meeting of Geoethics in Brazil

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics is a supporting organization of this event (in Portuguese), organized by the Geoethics Commission of the Brazilian Geological Society (SBGEO).
Clara Vasconcelos (IAPG-Portugal Coordinator) gives a lecture entitled "Geoethics in Education". Bárbara Zanbelli Azevedo (IAPG Early Career Scientists Team) is panelist in the debate "Geoethics, Mining and Water".
Lectures and debates will be broadcasted on the Youtube channel of the Brazilian Society of Geology:


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22 April 2022
Geoethics in the "State of the Planet" event by IUGS

Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Treasurer) contributes to the "State of the Planet" event organized by the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences within the initiatives to celebrate 60 years from the foundation of the IUGS (IUGS60) and the Earth Day 2022. Giuseppe is speaker and panelist at this event. He delivers a talk entitled "Ecological crisis and geosciences: the need for geoethics" (see the video).

- Download the flyer on this event (pdf file)

- Download the flyer on talks (pdf file)

- Download the flyer on panel (pdf file)

- This event on the IUGS and IUGS60 websites

- Video recording

22 April 2022
Presentation of the book "Geoethics in Peru"

Sandra Villacorta presents the book "Geoethics in Peru" she edited for the SpringerBriefs in Geoethics Series.

This event is online and in Spanish. It is organized by IAPG-Peru and see the participation of Pedro Isique (IAPG-Peru Coordinator).
Registration to get the Zoom access link:
More information about the book "Geoethics in Peru" of the SpringerBrifes in Geoethics:
This book in the Springer Link website:

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21 April 2022
14:30-15:30 IST
Lecture on "Geoethics and Georisks" in India

Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) will deliver an online lecture, entitled "Geoethics and Georisks: Ethical and Social Aspects in Disaster Risk Reduction".
This event is organized by the Department of Geography, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Adamas University (Kolkata, India) for its Master Class series.

Zoom access link:
Meeting ID: 974 2460 0502
Passcode: 010258

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24 March 2022
Webinar on Geoethics and Groundwater

Manuel Abrunhosa (IAPG Board of Experts and Vice-president for Western Europe, International Association of Hydrogeologists) takes a webinar on "Geoethics and Groundwater" at the University of Pisa (Italy).

Download the flyer (pdf file)

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22 March 2022
Geoethics in the IUGS60 event for the
UN World Water Day 2022

Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General and IUGS Councillor) gives a speech entitled "Responsible managament of water: a resource that recalls us to dialogue" at the IUGS60 virtual event for celebrating the World Water Day 2022.

- IUGS60 website

Download the flyer (pdf file)

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22 March 2022
Webinar on Geoethics at Edgeryders

Marti Bohle (IAPG Board of Experts) gives an online speech entitled "Geoethics: Bridging geoSTEM and the social sciences" at the Edgeryders think tank.


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17 March 2022
14:00-16:00 (Kabul time/GMT+4:30)
Webinar by IAPG-Afghanistan for the UN World Water Day 2022

Under the auspices of IAPG (International Association for Promoting Geoethics) and IAH (International Association of Hydrogeologists), the IAPG-Afghanistan (Afghanistan section of the IAPG) joined with AIH-GP (Portuguese Chapter of the IAH), The Groundwater Project, and AWEP.Net (Afghanistan Water and Environment Professionals Network) to celebrate the United Nations-World Water Day 2022 with a webinar entitled “Making Groundwater visible in Afghanistan”. Among the speakers: Manuel Abrunhosa (IAPG Board of Experts) and Sebastian Handl (Board of the IAPG-ECST Early Career Scientists Team). Moderators: Mohammad Salem Hussaini and Asadullah Farahmand (Co-coordinators of IAPG-Afghanistan).

- Read more in the IAPG Blog

- Registration (by 16 March 2022)

Download the poster (pdf file)

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16-17 March 2022
IAPG at the 77th IUGS EC Meeting

Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Treasurer) represents the IAPG at the 77th Executive Committee Meeting of the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences that is held in Paris (France), at the Société Géologique France (Geological Society of France).

Peter T. Bobrowsky (IAPG Vice-President) and Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) attend the meeting. Peter T. Bobrowsky will receive the IUGS James M. Harrison Medal. Silvia Peppoloni, as IUGS Councilor, is member of the IUGS EC from 2018.  

The IAPG is affiliated to the IUGS from 2013.


Read the IAPG Annual Report 2021 for the IUGS (pdf version)

17 March 2022
Geological Hazards and Geoethics in Argentina

Elizabeth Rovere and Roberto Violante (IAPGeoethics-Argentina coordinators) co-organize the Symposium S3 "Geological Hazards and Geoethics" (Peligros Geológicos y Geoética) at the XXI Argentinian Geological Congress (Congreso Geológico Argentino), that will be held in a virtual format in March 2022. Initially the congress was to take place in Puerto Madryn, Chubut (Argentina). Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) and Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Treasurer) will give invited talks on geoethics. This symposium is sponsored by IAPGeoethics-Argentina.

- Download more information about the Symposium S3 (in Spanish)

Congress website

8 March 2022
2nd Conversation of Peruvian Women in Geosciences

Organized by IAPG-Peru for the International Women Day. 

This event has the goal to share and disseminate the work and experience of outstanding geoscience professionals to reach out to other young women who are studying or looking to pursue a career in this field.

Panelists: Celia Plascencia, Yuli Mamani, Judith Sullón, Sandra Villacorta. Moderator: Luz Tejada.

These women in geosciences will share the challenges that led them to be professionals in the sector, and will also dialogue to help reducing the gender gap in Peru.

More (in Spanish)

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24 February 2022
Webinar by IEEE

Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) and Ezzoura Errami (IAPG Continental Coordinator for Africa) are panelists of the webinar entitled "Formation of Supportive Networks in the Face of Adversity". This event is organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and is supported by Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS).


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11 February 2022
IAPG celebrates the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The International Union of Geological Sciences - IUGS interviews some of the fantastic women in geoscience (Videos can be seen on Among them Silvia Peppoloni, our IAPG Secretary General! Silvia is a geologist, researcher at the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia), Rome (Italy), Councilor of the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences, Coordinator of the Section on Geoethics and Geological Culture of the Italian Geological Society/IAPG-Italy. The IAPG joins IUGS in the celebration of the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

Videos on the IUGS60 website

10 February 2022
IAPG at the CFES Board Meeting

Peter Bobrowsky (IAPG Vice President) represents the IAPG at the Board Meeting of the CFES - Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences.

February-April 2022
1st Peruvian Geoscience Olympiad

IAPG-Peru organizes the 1st Geoscience Olympiad in Peru.
The Peruvian group of IAEG supports this initiative. 


26 January 2022
Talk on geoethics in Germany

Time: 18:00 (CET)

Online Talk (in German) by Dr. Simon Schneider (IAPG-Germany co-coordinator) by invitation of the Geologische Gemeinschaft zu Freiberg e.V.

The talk is entitled "Geoethik - Wer Relevanz einfordert muss Verantwortung übernehmen" (Geoethics - Those who demand relevance must take responsibility).

To participate, please send an email to for login information.
More about the event:

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13 January 2022
Talk on geoethics at the University of Jena (Germany)

Time: 16:15-17:15 (CET)

Online Talk by Dr. Dominic Hildebrandt (IAPG-Germany co-coordinator) at the Geosciences Colloquium, Institute for Geoscience, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany).

The talk is entitled "Shaping responsible future experts: the need for integrating Geoethics in Geoscience university education."


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International Association for Promoting Geoethics

Via di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Rome (Italy) |

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