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EurGeol Title


Following the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the EFG - European Federation of Geologists, the IAPG promotes the European Geologist Title (EurGeol Title), as a tool whose aim is to guarantee high level of professionalism among professional geologists. Geologists applying for the EurGeol Title have to demonstrate Academic Qualifications and a documented Professional Experience. Moreover the acceptance of the EFG Code of Ethics and a Continuing Professional Development has to be guaranteed.  


... The European Geologist title is a professional title created by the European Federation of Geologists which recognises the ability to deliver a high quality of services within the practice of geology. The title held by a professional geologist means that the holder has achieved suitable academic training and a level of professional experience, skill and competence to perform tasks within their professional practice. It also means that the geologist undertakes continuing education and training, demonstrating a personal commitment to stay up to date and informed within the sphere of their professional work. 


All European Geologists are required to abide by the Code of Conduct established by the European Federation of Geologists ... 


More information on the EurGeol Title can be found in the EFG website.


- Application Procedure

- How to maintain the professional title

- EurGeol Register

- EFG Code of Ethics


The IAPG encourages European professional geologists to apply for the EurGeol Title.

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International Association for Promoting Geoethics

Via di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Rome (Italy) |

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