EGU - General Assembly 2024
14-19 April 2024
The General Assembly 2024 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) is held at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria, from 14 to 19 April 2024. The assembly is open to the scientists of all nations. The entire congress centre is fully accessible by wheelchairs.
IAPG co-sponsors the session EOS4.4 "Geoethics: The significance of geosciences for society and the environment".
EOS4.4: Geoethics: The significance of geosciences for society and the environment
Silvia Peppoloni, Svitlana Krakovska, Giuseppe Di Capua, David Crookall
Session description
Geoscience knowledge and practices are essential for effectively navigating the complexities of the modern world. They play a critical role in addressing urgent global challenges on a planetary scale (including, climate change and its social, humanitarian, and health impacts), informing decision-making processes and guiding education at all levels. However, the response to these challenges remains largely inadequate across the board.
By equipping both citizens and the wider societal stakeholders with the necessary knowledge background, geosciences empower them to engage in meaningful discussions, shape policies, contribute to reduce inequities and injustice, and implement solutions for local, regional, and global social-environmental problems. Within this broad scope, geoethics strives to establish a shared ethical framework that guides geoscientists’ engagement with sensitive and significant issues concerning the interaction between geoscience and society.
This session will cover a variety of topics, including theoretical and practical aspects of geoethics, ethical issues in professional practice, climate and ocean education, geoscience communication, and strategies for bridging the gap between geosciences and society.
This session is co-organized by BG8/ERE1/GM12/HS13/OS5/SSS1 and co-sponsored by IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics, the Commission on Geoethics of the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences and the Chair on Geoethics of the CIPSH - International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (www.geoethics.org).
Orals (Tuesday, 16 April 2024, 08:30–12:30 CEST, Room 1.34):
Part 1 - Chairpersons: Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni
08:30–08:35: 5-minute convener introduction
08:35–08:45: EGU24-6136 (on-site presentation) - The need to include ethics content in professional licensure exams in the US (and worldwide) (by Vincent Cronin)
08:45–08:55: EGU24-6573 (on-site presentation) - Proposal for a Geoethics Code for the Geoscientist Community of Chile (by Hernán Bobadilla, Luisa Pinto Lincoñir, Pablo Ramirez, Thiare González, José Benado, Nilda Lay, Tania Villaseñor, Millarca Valenzuela, Mohammad Ayaz Alam, and Alejandro Pérez)
08:55–09:05: Short presentations by poster authors
09:05–09:15: EGU24-1344 (on-site presentation) Freedom and Responsibility: the Ethics of Academic Researchers’ Public Advocacy (by Eric Guilyardi)
09:15–09:25: EGU24-7655 (virtual presentation) - Delivering Critical Raw Materials: Ecological, Ethical and Societal Issues (by Richard Herrington and Sarah Gordon)
09:25–09:35: EGU24-12918 (virtual presentation) - The most consequential ethical decision for geoscience (by Emlyn Koster and Philip Gibbard)
09:35–09:45: Short presentations by poster authors
09:45–09:55: EGU24-4054 (virtual presentation) - Can geosciences help inserting social justice notions into Blue Economy narratives? (by Cornelia E. Nauen)
09:55–10:05: EGU24-2053 (on-site presentation) - Perceiving Cape-Town-Geoethics (CTG) through Symbolic Universes (SU) (by Martin Bohle, Rika Preiser, and Eduardo Marone)
10:05–10:15: Discussion
Coffee break
Part 2 - Chairpersons: David Crookall, Svitlana Krakovska
10:45–10:55: EGU24-758 (on-site presentation) - Méditerranée 2000: Nurturing climate & ocean awareness (by Pimnutcha Promduangsri, Pariphat Promduangsri, and Estelle Bellanger)
10:55–11:05: EGU24-8075 (on-site presentation) - Can landslides provide geosystem services? (by Martin Mergili, Christian Bauer, Andreas Kellerer-Pirklbauer-Eulenstein, Jana Petermann, Hanna Pfeffer, Jörg Robl, and Andreas Schröder)
11:05–11:15: EGU24-6101 (on-site presentation) - Exciting times for Climate Change Education – from global opportunities to local challenges (by Eric Guilyardi and David Wilgenbus)
11:15–11:25: EGU24-14027 (on-site presentation) - Do religions matter? The empirical study of the religion-climate relation in Taiwan (by Cheng Hsuan Tsui)
11:25–11:35: EGU24-17614 (on-site presentation) - Choice Question (MCQ) Peer Construction for Training Students as Climate Change decision-makers or Knowledge Spreaders (by Gérard Vidal, Charles-Henri Eyraud, Carole Larose, and Éric Lejan)
11:35–11:45: EGU24-22117 (on-site presentation) - Science Diplomacy with Nontraditional Actors: Enhancing Geo-Bio-Cultural Diversity in Colombian Cities and Territories (by Maria Isabel Marin-Ceron)
11:45–11:55: EGU24-13965 (on-site presentation) - Ocean Futures: A New Paradigm and Teaching in the Age of Ocean Change (by Susanne Neuer, Stephanie Pfirman, Roberta Martin, Katie Kamelamela, Amy Maas, and Nick Bates)
11:55–12:05: EGU24-21221 (virtual presentation) - Mapping water from our tap to the watershed: A first step toward ecological limits (by Katie Singer)
12:05–12:15: EGU24-16730 (virtual presentation) - Climate Change, Ocean Health and Quality of Life - An Inextricable Connection in Large Ocean Island States (by Stacey Alvarez de la Campa)
12:15–12:30: Discussion
Posters on-site (Monday, 15 April 2024, Display time: 14:00–18:00 CEST, Attendance time: 16:15–18:00 CEST, Hall X1):
Chairpersons: Giuseppe Di Capua, Pariphat Promduangsri
X1.65: EGU24-2607 - Geoethics literacy: Clarifying values, principles and behaviour (by David Crookall, Pimnutcha Promduangsri, and Pariphat Promduangsri)
X1.66: EGU24-6593 - Invitation to a research project on geography and climate education (by Pimnutcha Promduangsri)
X1.67: EGU24-3568 - Exploring the horizon of geosciences through the lens of geoethics (by Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua)
X1.68: EGU24-3586 - An infrastructure for researching on geoethics and facilitating its international promotion (by Giuseppe Di Capua and Silvia Peppoloni)
X1.69: EGU24-6662 - Examining Race and Class Disparities in Urban Heat in Australia and New Zealand: Towards Environmental Justice in Urban Planning (by Jayati Chawla and Susanne Benz)
X1.70: EGU24-14752 - Towards sustainable management of georesources: the importance of Cooperation Projects to boost education on responsible and sustainable mining. The example of the SUGERE and GEODES projects (by Giovanna Antonella Dino, Susanna Mancini, Dolores Pereira, Manuela Lasagna, Francesca Gambino, Guido Prego, Domingos Gonçalves, Aida Jacinto, Daud Jamal, Josè Loite, Hélio Nganhane, Nelson Rodrigues, and Pedro Dinis)
X1.71: EGU24-17346 - The importance of making geoethics a central concern of Sri Lankan education strategy (by Giuseppe Di Capua and Udaya Gunawardana)
X1.72: EGU24-20953 - Shaping Thriving Ocean Futures – Education to advance healthy coastal communities and marine systems (by Susanne Neuer, Stephanie Pfirman, Roberta Martin, Katie Kamelamela, Amy Maas, Andrew Peters, and Nick Bates)
Posters virtual (Monday, 15 April 2024, Display time: 08:30–18:00 CEST, Attendance time: 14:00–15:45 CEST, vHall X1):
vX1.5: EGU24-10646 - Protects and Heats (by Walter Tavecchio)
This session EOS4.4 in the EGU2024 website (read abstracts and download presentations and supplementary materials provided by authors):
IAPG Sessions on Geoethics at EGU General Assemblies from 2012:
NH9.8/EOS9 - Geoethics and natural hazards: communication, education and the science-policy-practice interface (co-organized).
Conveners: S. Peppoloni, J. Wasowski, P. Reitan, G. Devoli, S.W. Kieffer, E. Lindquist
NH9.8 - Geoethics and natural hazards: the role and responsibility of the geoscientists.
Conveners: S. Peppoloni, S.W. Kieffer, J. Wasowski
Conveners: S. Peppoloni, S.W. Kieffer, E. Marone, Y. Kostyuchenko
EOS8 - Geoethics for society: General aspects and case studies in geosciences.
Conveners: S. Peppoloni, N. Bilham, S.W. Kieffer, E. Marone
Conveners: S. Peppoloni, N. Bilham, E. Marone, M. Charrière, T. Mayer
Conveners: S. Peppoloni, N. Bilham, M. Bohle, G. Di Capua, E. Marone
Conveners: S. Peppoloni, N. Bilham, M. Bohle, G. Di Capua, E. Marone
Conveners: S. Peppoloni, M. Bohle, G. Di Capua, C.M. Keane, J. Rizzi, N. Bilham, V. Correia
EOS5.1 - Geoethics: how and why should geosciences serve society?
Conveners: S. Peppoloni, N. Bilham, D. DeMiguel, E. Marone, S. Schneider-Voss
EOS4.2 - Geoethics: Geosciences serving Society
Conveners: S. Peppoloni, G. Di Capua
Conveners: S. Peppoloni, G. Di Capua, J. Ludden, L. Oosterbeek, P. Promduangsri, B. Williams
EOS4.1 - Geoethics: Geoscience Implications for Professional Communities, Society, and Environment
Conveners: S. Peppoloni, A.-I. Partanen, L. Mimeau, G. Di Capua