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Articles from IAPG Blog
This page collects articles published in the IAPG Blog: (old blog, till 29 June 2022) (new blog, from 29 June 2022)

Picture credit: Stephanie Flude (distributed via
Resources to give facts a fighting chance against misinformation
(by Bärbel Winkler, Germany)
21 May 2024
Is ethics solely pertinent to the fields of mining and geosciences?
(by Marita Ahumada, Argentina)
21 March 2024
4 August 2023
Ethical Considerations for Responsible Geological Fieldwork and Sampling
(by Enrico Cameron, Italy)
12 July 2023
The Indigenous Groundwater Declaration of the Australian Chapter of the IAH
(by Enrico Cameron, Italy)
14 March 2023
On the Ground: Ending the Hell of Scotland’s Conifer Plantations
(by Patrick Phillips, Scotland, United Kingdom)
22 February 2023
An exploration: from the history of science for geo-philosophical studies
(by Martin Bohle, Germany)
30 November 2022
The era of crises: facing the choices to build the future
(by Silvia Peppoloni, Italy)
10 October 2022
Ontology as the quality or essence of existence
(by Patrick Phillips, Scotland, United Kingdom)
7 July 2022
Revisiting requirements and criteria to select UNESCO Global Geoparks
(by Mamoon Allan, Jordan)
17 April 2022
Human War and War Against Nature: The Latest IPCC Report and the Prospect of a Lost Conflict
(by Silvia Peppoloni, Italy)
This article was published in ReWriters Magazine, in Italian:
30 January 2022
A Geo-philosophical Topic – Agency at the Human-Earth Nexus
(by Martin Bohle, Germany)
10 August 2021
The "dark" side of the Moon (and space), between jurisprudence, politics and ecology
(by Silvia Peppoloni, Italy)
This article was published in ReWriters Magazine, in Italian:
10 July 2021
Meteorological or anthropogenic drought? A recent study illustrates the environmental, social and economic risks
(by Silvia Peppoloni, Italy)
This article was published in ReWriters Magazine, in Italian and English:
7 June 2021
A planet of geodiversity
(by Silvia Peppoloni, Italy)
This article was published in ReWriters Magazine, in Italian and English:
6 May 2021
Geoethics as a Point of Intersection of Humans' Cultural Experiences
(by Silvia Peppoloni & Giuseppe Di Capua, Italy)
This article was published in the website of the Network of European Humanities.21 - Notes on the Role and Relevance of the Humanities in the Contemporary World, Experts' Report on European Humanities:
11 March 2021
Rediscovering the sense of the human in a chaos of "ceneisms"
(by Silvia Peppoloni, Italy)
This article was published in ReWriters Magazine, in Italian and English:
1 March 2021
Geology, Climate Change and New Policy for our Territories benefit
(by José Martín Cabello Lechuga, Chile)
2 February 2021
eGeos: Bringing Our Talents to the Emerging Energy Economy
(by Rachelle Kernen, Australia & Edith Newton Wilson, USA)
24 January 2021
Nuclear weapons banned from today: welcome to the era of responsibility (but also of uncertainty)
(by Silvia Peppoloni, Italy)
This article was published in ReWriters Magazine, in Italian and English:
7 December 2020
Geoaesthetics: the aesthetic intelligence of the Earth
(by Silvia Peppoloni, Italy)
This article was published in ReWriters Magazine, in Italian and English:
27 October 2020
Responsible management of water: a resource that recalls us to dialogue
(by Silvia Peppoloni, Italy)
This article was published in ReWriters Magazine, in Italian and English:
24 August 2020
Geosciences for the Territory and its Ecosystems in a New Political Constitution for the Republic of Chile
(by José Martín Cabello Lechuga, Chile)
26 May 2020
Geosciences and Geoethics in times of Covid-19 pandemic
An interview to Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General)
6 April 2020
A geoethical approach to the territory: the case of the lower Tordera river and Delta, Catalonia, Spain
(by Francesc Bellaubí and Josep M. Mallarach, Spain)
1 April 2019
Panel presentation script for the Geoscience & Society Summit
18-21 March 2019, Stockholm (Sweden)
(by Vincent Cronin, USA)
22 March 2019
Some words about the World Water Day 2019
(by Manuel João Florentino Gomes Abrunhosa, Portugal)
12 March 2019
A recent public earthquake prediction in Greece: geoethical issues
(by Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos, Greece)
Circular economy is about resource efficiency, not "only" recycling
(by Nikolaos Arvanitidis, Sweden)
9 January 2019
Developing a charter for geoethics education: Results from an interactive poster for the IAPG at the EGU 2018
(by David Crookall & Pariphat Promduangsri, France)
19 December 2018
Teaching Geoethics as a Form of Eco-political Resistance
(by Francesc Bellaubi, Germany)
15 November 2018
Geoethics as a solution to tremors in Abuja and other geohazards
(by Arinze Harrison Ikwumelezeh, Nigeria)
5 October 2018
Considerations upon the goals of the new "Geoethical Promise"
(by Sandra Piacente, Italy)
30 September 2018
Responsible mining at the seabed, wickedness and the Wrangle Island
(by Martin Bohle, Belgium)
11 July 2018
Short notes about geotourism, geo-resources, and paleontology in Paraguay to frame possible geoethical problems
(by Moisés Alejandro Gadea Villalba, Paraguay)
19 May 2018
Counteracting the lack of attractiveness of geological attractions!
(by Mamoon Allan, Jordan)
23 March 2018
27 October 2017
What is the Social License to Operate? Origin and concepts
(by Ana Lúcia Frezzatti Santiago, Brazil)
27 July 2017
Overlapping Perimeters:
Small-scale Fisheries Guidelines, and Geoethics
(by Martin Bohle, Belgium)
GeoloSketchers: drawing geology
(by Isaac Camps Gamundi, Spain)
5 July 2017
Deforestation and landslide hazard in Malawi:
a geoethical perspective
(by Annie Sylverio Jere, Malawi)
11 May 2017
A report from the 35th IGC: the Panel-Session "What’s the point of Geoethics"
(by Martin Bohle, Belgium)
24 October 2016
"Geotourism for all": toward bridging the gap
(by Mamoon Allan, Jordan)
20 June 2016
13 June 2016
Geoscience for the Public Good and Global Development:
Toward a Sustainable Future
(by Gregory Wessel and Jeffrey Greenberg, USA)
Oceans are the mirror of our civilization
(by Jeffrey Michel, Germany)
10 June 2016
18 March 2016
A need to re-define “Human Geology” from a geoethical point of view
(by Ndzishepngong Kelvin Ngwang, Cameroon)
Geoethics: more important than ever because of the climate change
(by Jonathan Gómez Cantero, Spain - IAPG-Young Scientist Club)
17 March 2016
10 March 2016
Teaching Geoethics and Resilience at school: An educational experiment in Aiello Calabro, southern Italy
(by Francesco De Pascale, Italy - IAPG-Young Scientist Club)
Ethics of Geomechanics: A Thriving Discipline and Its Growing Responsibility
(by Mehrdad Soltanzadeh, Canada)
22 January 2016
Geoethics and the Anthropocene
(by Martin Bohle, Belgium)
14 January 2016
The Ten Plagues of Egypt and our world at the transition between the Electromechanical and the Cyberinformational Era on our planet rewritten
(by Franco Oboni, Canada)
27 November 2015
Resilient America Roundtable
(by Susan Kieffer, USA)
10 November 2015
Ethics demand future to be rewritten
(by Franco Oboni, Canada)
1 October 2015
Geoethics, the Anthropocene and the Pope
(by Gábor Paál, Germany)
11 July 2015
Geoethics: from "Blind Spot" to "Common Good"
(by Martin Bohle, Belgium)
13 June 2015
When approaching strategic, tactical and operational planning one needs to know about ostriches, denial, and prayers
(by Franco Oboni and Cesar Oboni, Canada)
31 May 2015
7 May 2015
Geoethics as transdisciplinary meeting grounds
(by Felix Riede, Denmark)
Greece needs sustainable and competitive mineral exploration and mining investiments
(by Nikolaos Arvanitidis, Greece)
29 April 2015
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