
Apr 131 min

Official launch of the Chilean Code of Geoethics

IAPG-Chile announces the official launch of the Chilean Code of Geoethics, prepared by the Geoethics Group of the Geological Society of Chile/IAPG-Chile, with the support of the national geoscience community, as well as international collaborators.

The presentation of the Chilean Code of Geoethics will take place on 15 April 2024, 18:00 (GMT-4) through an online event (Zoom link: https://uchile.zoom.us/j/94534776676?pwd=cTZ6R0F1Q29EY2c4MThMcU95UGgxdz09)

Download the Chilean Code of Geoethics: pdf file

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

