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AGU - Fall Meeting 2015

San Francisco (USA), 14-18 December 2015


Geoethics is among the topics of the congress even this year. The IAPG members are actively involved in this important annual geoscience event and will attend a poster session and will give oral presentations.

In particular, we remind you the Poster Session ED13E "Geoethics and Critical Thinking in Undergraduate Geoscience Classes" (Monday, 14 December 2015  13:40 - 18:00, Moscone South - Poster Hall), convened by Dexter Perkins, Vincent Cronin and David Mogk:


  • Poster ED13E-0911: Fostering Critical Thinking in the Geosciences: Combining Geoethics, the Affective Domain, Metacognition, and Systems Thinking (Authors: David Mogk, John Geissman).

  • Poster ED13E-0912: Encourage Risk, Failure and Values-Driven Decision Making, by Developing and Integrating Ethical and Critical Thinking in Geocurricula (Author: Ann Vasko)

  • Poster ED13E-0913: Using Significant Geologic Hazards and Disasters to Focus Geoethics Case Studies (Author: Vincent Cronin).


Moreover, there will be oral presentations in the following sessions: 


Session PA23C: What It Means to be a Geoscientist: Defining a Common Identity for the Public and Profession (Tuesday, 15 December 2015  13:40 - 15:40, Moscone South - 103):


  • Abstract PA23C-06: As Ethics is a Core Attribute of Science, So Geoethics Must Be at the Core of Geoscience (Authors: Vincent Cronin, Charly Bank, Peter Bobrowsky, John Geissman, Susan Kieffer, David Mogk, Cindy Palinkas, Catherine Pappas Maenz, Silvia Peppoloni, Anne Marie Ryan) - Tuesday, 15 December 2015  14:55 - 15:10, Moscone South - 103.


Session ED21E: Building the Global Talent Pool in Earth and Space Science I (Tuesday, 15 December 2015  08:00 - 10:00, Moscone South - 310):


  • Abstract ED21E-07: Be Explicit: Geoscience Program Design to Prepare the Next Generation of Geoscientists (Author: David Mogk) - Tuesday, 15 December 2015  09:30 - 09:45 Moscone South - 310.


Poster Session T11E "New Insights into the Active Deformation, Tectonic Evolution, and Hazard Mitigation of the Caribbean Plate and South America I" (Monday, 14 December 2015  08:00 - 12:20, Moscone South - Poster Hall):


  • Poster T11E-2938: Volcanic Ash Hazards and Risk in Argentina: Scientific and Social Collaborative Approaches (Authors: Elizabeth Rovere, Roberto Violante, Marcelo Vazquez Herrera, Ma de la Paloma Martinez Fernandez).


Finally, we point out an interesting event:

Session TH33K: Forward Focused Ethics – What is the Role of Scientific Societies in Responding to Harassment and Other Workplace Climate Issues? (Wednesday, 16 December 2015  12:30 - 13:30 Moscone South - 102)
Primary contacts: Cathryn Manduca and Margaret Leinen


More information about the AGU Fall Meeting 2015 - Scientific Program:

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International Association for Promoting Geoethics

Via di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Rome (Italy) |

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