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Affiliations and Agreements


IAPG promotes geoethics through the international collaboration with Associations, Organizations and Institutions.

Affiliations: IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences, CIPHS - International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences, AGI - American Geosciences Institute, GSL - Geological Society of London, CFES - Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences, GSA - Geological Society of America, GIRAF - Geoscience Information in Africa Network.

Agreements: IUSS - International Union of Soil Sciences, EFG - European Federation of Geologists, EGS - EuroGeoSurveys, AGU - American Geophysical Union, UGM - Unión Geofísica Mexicana A.C., IAH - International Association of Hydrogeologists, IAG/AIG - International Association of Geomorphologists, IUGS-IFG - Initiative on Forensic Geology, AAWG - African Association of Women in Geosciences, WOMEESA - Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences in Australasia, IAEG - International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment, GSAf - Geological Society of Africa, GC - Geoscientists Canada, BDG - Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler e.V., APG - Associação Portuguesa de Geólogos, ASAGAI - Asociación Argentina de Geología Aplicada a la Ingeniería, SGCh - Sociedad Geológica de Chile, GSU - Geological Society of Uganda, UCCGHA - UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis, Iran & RIES - Research Institute for Earth Sciences – Geological Survey of Iran, NKUA-APRL - The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory, GfGD - Geology for Global Development, JMO - Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası (Turkisk Chamber of Geological Engineers), MJD - Maden Jeologları DerneÄŸi (Turkish Association of Economic Geologists), AEG - Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists, YES - International Network of Young and Early-Career Geoscientists, IGEO - International Geoscience Education Organisation, FCEA - Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment, SGP - Sociedad Geológica del Perù, I-GEMA - Instituto de Geociencias Y Medio Ambiente, Arequipa-Perù, ANGE - African Network for Geo-Education, GEVAS Red Argentina.

Partnerships: AGU Ethics & Equity Center, EFF - Earth Future Festival, iCRAG Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Geoscience - EDIG project, IYGU - International Year of Global Understanding, RFG 2018 - Resources for Future Generations.
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IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences


The IAPG is affiliated to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) from 2013.

The IUGS ( is one of the largest and most active non-governmental scientific organizations in the world. Founded in 1961, IUGS is a member of the International Council of Science. IUGS promotes and encourages the study of geological problems, especially those of world-wide significance, and supports and facilitates international and interdisciplinary cooperation in the earth sciences.

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CIPHS - International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences 


The IAPG is member organisation of the CIPHS from 6 August 2017. The CIPSH is a non-governmental organisation within UNESCO, which federates hundreds of different learned societies in the field of philosophy, human sciences and related subjects. The CIPSH ( coordinates the international works and researches carried out by a huge constellation of centres and networks of scholars. It favours the exchange of knowledge among faraway scholars and fosters the international circulation of scholars, in order to improve the communication among specialists from different disicplines, enforce a better knowledge of cultures and of the different social, individual and collective behaviours and bring to the fore the richness of each culture and their fruitful diversity. The International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies was founded on the 18th of January, 1949, in Brussels, at the request of UNESCO and under its auspices, following a meeting organized by the Union Académique Internationale to bring together representatives of nongovernmental organizations. From January 1, 2011, it adopted the designation “International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences”. The Board of the Assembly shall exercise the functions of the governing body of the Council between sessions of the General Assembly. It consists of one President, who is also President of the CIPSH, two Vice-Presidents, the Secretary-General, the Treasurer, the immediate Past President, and four to six Members. (Art. VI, §1 of the Statutes).


Download the 70th Anniversary Brochure 

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GSA - Geological Society of America


The IAPG is recognized as an Associate Society of the Geological Society of America (GSA) from 2015.

The GSA ( is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of the geosciences. The Society was founded in Ithaca, New York, USA, in 1888. GSA is the first enduring society for the geosciences in America. The management of the Society's affairs is under the control of its elected officers (Executive Committee and Council). In 1968, GSA Headquarters offices moved from New York to Boulder, Colorado.

GSA is an expanding global membership society with more than 25,000 members in more than 100 countries. Thirty percent of its members are students. The Society's primary activities are organizing scientific meetings and conferences and publishing scientific literature. Other activities include disbursing research grants, operating an employment matching and interview service, honoring outstanding scientific contributors with medals and awards, assisting teachers in geoscience education, and fostering public awareness of geoscience issues.

The Society has seven regional Sections throughout the world: the new International Section plus six in North America: Cordilleran, Rocky Mountain, North-Central, South-Central, Northeastern, and Southeastern. Sections have their own management boards and conduct their own yearly meetings. Eighteen specialty Divisions, which any GSA member may join, generally meet at the GSA Annual Meeting. Most Divisions have their own newsletters, which are published at various times throughout the year.

A number of Associated Societies often meet in conjunction with the GSA Annual Meeting and assist in developing the scientific program, thus ensuring a broad range of topics. In 1980, the GSA Foundation was established to receive and administer contributions in support of GSA's mission.

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GSL - Geological Society of London


The IAPG is recognized as an Associated Society of the Geological Society of London (GSL) from 2015. 

The GSL ( is a not-for-profit organisation, and a registered charity. Its aims are to improve knowledge and understanding of the Earth, to promote Earth science education and awareness, and to promote professional excellence and ethical standards in the work of Earth scientists, for the public good.
Founded in 1807, it is the oldest geological society in the world. Today, it is a world-leading communicator of Earth science – through its scholarly publishing, library and information services, cutting-edge scientific conferences, education activities and outreach to the general public. It also provides impartial scientific information and evidence to support policy-making and public debate about the challenges facing humanity.
The Society is the UK's professional body for Earth science and has a worldwide membership of over 11,500. More than 2,000 of its members live overseas and over 2,500 are Chartered Geologists or Chartered Scientists – professionals who have demonstrated a high level of education, professional competence in their field and a commitment to professional ethics. The Society is licensed by the European Federation of Geologists to award the title of European Geologist and works with partner bodies in the UK to maintain specialist professional registers. It accredits undergraduate and MSc degree programmes, as well as in-house professional training schemes provided by employers. These professional designations and programmes play a vital role in assuring high professional standards, for the benefit of society.

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AGI - American Geosciences Institute


The IAPG is recognized as an International Associate Organization of the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) from 2014.

The AGI was founded in 1948, under a directive of the National Academy of Sciences, as a network of associations representing geoscientists with a diverse array of skills and knowledge of our planet. The Institute provides information services to geoscientists, serves as a voice of shared interests in our profession, plays a major role in strengthening geoscience education, and strives to increase public awareness of the vital role the geosciences play in society’s use of resources, resilience to natural hazards, and the health of the environment.

AGI ( is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to serving the geoscience community and addressing the needs of society.

The category of the International Associate Members includes societies with less than 2,000 U.S. members. Inclusion in the AGI Network facilitates interaction between U.S. and international geoscience organizations; membership also supports international geoscience development as well as promoting the geosciences in underserved countries.

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CFES - Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences


IAPG is recognized as an Observer Organization of the CFES - Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences from 2018. IAPG-Canada represents IAPG in the CFES Council Meetings.

CFES ( is an umbrella organization that represents a federation of Earth Science societies and associations across Canada. CFES represents about 15000 Earth scientists. Established in 2006 as the successor to the Canadian Geoscience Council, CFES brings together 13 organizations of Earth scientists in industry, government and academia. CFES advocates on behalf of the Canadian Earth Science community with government, the public, and the international Earth Science community.​
CFES cooperates with several observer organizations and other relevant Canadian non-member organizations on issues of public education and professional registration. CFES represents its members internationally as a member of the International Union of Geosciences (IUGS) and UNESCO.​

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GIRAF - Geoscience Information in Africa Network


The IAPG is recognized as an Associated Organisation of the Geoscience Information in Africa - Network (GIRAF) from 2015.

The mission of GIRAF - Network ( is to support that knowledge-based geoscience information contributes to improve the environmental & economic prosperity of the people in Africa.

The aims of GIRAF are:

- Build a pan-African geoscience information knowledge network of geological surveys, universities and companies.

- Exchange and share geoscience information and good practice.

- Bring together relevant African authorities, national experts and stakeholders in geoscience information.

- Make Africa a more active part of the international geoscience information community.

- Stimulate and support cross-border geoscience information projects in Africa.

- Gather and review up-to-date feedback on the actual situation of geoscience information status and progress in Africa.

- Review the progress of the GIRAF network as set up at the 1st workshop in Namibia 2009.

- In the long run improve the way geoscience information contributes to improve the health and prosperity of the people in Africa.

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IUSS - International Union of Soil Sciences


The IUSS and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 12-16 May 2023. 

Both organizatons agreed that IUSS and IAPG are facing a future of challenging soil and geologic resources use and management issues. IUSS and IAPG will use their best effort to promote the formal co-operation by obtaining the necessary support for envisaged activities. The partnership generally aims at developing new knowledge, sharing experiences, and distributing knowledge and skills for the benefit of the whole world.

IUSS ( is the global union of soil scientists. The objectives of the IUSS are to promote all branches of soil science, and to support all soil scientists across the world in the pursuit of their activities. IUSS was founded as the International Society of Soil Science (ISSS) on 19th May 1924. The IUSS has been a scientific union member of ICSU (International Council for Science) since 1993. Since the merger of ICSU with the International Social Science Council to form the International Science Council (ISC) in 2018 the IUSS is a member of ISC

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EFG - European Federation of Geologists


The EFG and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on 12 December 2014 to collaborate on issues of common interest. EFG and IAPG shall collaborate in defining ethical problems, also through case-studies, affecting professional geologists, and in promoting geoethical principles and best practices in geosciences among their networks.

EFG ( is a federation of professional geoscience societies and associations in Europe whose main objectives are to: represent the geological profession in Europe; safeguard and promote the interests of the geological profession in Europe (and elsewhere in the World); promote best technical, scientific and ethical practice in the application of geology generally; and promote responsible use of the Earth’s resources and sustainable use of land. It currently has 23 National Association members.

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EGS - EuroGeoSurveys


The EGS and the IAPG signed an Agreement of Collaboration (MoA) on 26 March 2015. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of themes in the field of Geoethics, in particular, the following issues:

  • promotion of principles of geoethics, research integrity and professional deontology in geosciences activities among their networks;

  • definition of ethical problems, also through case-studies, affecting geoscience community and organizations;

  • co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts of geoethics, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to young geologists;

  • production of relevant publications;

  • identification of possibilities to apply for European Union funding for the development of common projects on geoethics, research integrity and professional deontology.

Both organizations will establish a liaison to ensure good information flow and cooperation.

EGS ( is the organization of the Geological Surveys of Europe. Currently 34 national Geological Surveys are members of EGS. EGS promotes the contribution of geosciences to European Union affairs and action programs to publish, or see its Members publishing, expert, neutral, balanced and practical pan-European technical advice and information for the European Union Institutions.

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AGU - American Geophysical Union


AGU and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 10 November 2015, renewed on 2 January 2018. The aim of the agreement is to develop a co-ordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences and favouring the adoption of ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience community in order to better serving the Society. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of themes in the field of Geoethics. It helps to assure a continued IAPG-AGU collaboration and coordination on issues of common interests, in particular, the following:

  • promotion of principles of geoethics, research integrity and professional deontology in geosciences activities among their networks;

  • definition of ethical problems, also through case-studies, affecting geoscience community and organizations;

  • co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts of geoethics, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to young geologists;

  • production of relevant publications.

Both organizations will establish a liaison to ensure good information flow and cooperation.

AGU ( an international non-profit scientific association with more than 62,000 members. AGU was established in 1919 by the U.S. National Research Council, and for more than 50 years, we operated as an unincorporated affiliate of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. AGU was independently incorporated in 1972. AGU is dedicated to the furtherance of the Earth and space sciences, and to communicating science’s ability to benefit humanity. AGU achieves these goals through publishing scientific journals and other technical publications, sponsoring scientific meetings, supporting education and outreach programs designed to increase public understanding of and support for science, and a variety of other activities.

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AGU Ethics & Equity Center


The IAPG is Partner of the AGU Ethics & Equity Center. The AGU Ethics and Equity Center provides resources to educate, promote and ensure responsible scientific conduct and establish tools, practices, and data for organizations to foster a positive work climate in science. The Center can help you meet your ethics goals, whether you are an individual scientist looking for resources or professional ethics development, a leader looking to implement best practices at your organization, or an institution wanting to update your code of conduct. The Center is led by the American Geophysical Union (AGU). The AGU Ethics and Equity Center advances workplace excellence by providing access to educational tools and resources to help scientists at all career levels and institutions of all sizes. The Center offers resources in the following areas related to ethics and equity in science:

  • Leadership Practices

  • Research Ethics

  • Workplace Climate


Website of the AGU Ethics & Equity Center:

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UGM Unión Geofísica Mexicana A.C.


UGM and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on 7 May 2024. UGM ( is a scientific association that aims to promote the study of Earth and Space Sciences and disseminate scientific knowledge in Mexico. It articulates activities that strengthen research, solving fundamental and applied problems, and scientific collaboration. UGM seeks to disseminate scientific, technological, and innovative knowledge. UGM comprises four primary areas of knowledge: solid earth, oceanography and limnology, atmosphere, and space sciences. In addition, UGM promotes cultural events, such as exhibitions, concerts, conferences, and seminars, by using all means of circulation allowed to the association to distribute knowledge. With these aims in mind, UGM provides: Permanent preparation – Updated scientific and pedagogical training to achieve specialization. Teaching – Imparting courses, seminars, diploma courses, and conference cycles. Cultural advancement – Through research, conferences, expositions, and other events.​

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Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Geoscience (EDIG) project by iCRAG


The IAPG is supporting partner of the EDIG project by iCRAG - Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences.

The Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Geoscience (EDIG) project was started by a group of geoscientists who are working together to better understand the impact of prejudice, inequity, sexism, bias, exclusion, and discrimination within the larger geoscience community. EDIG is carrying out a unique survey on these issues. EDIG's aim is to look at newly emerging issues and address those that are stubbornly persistent in the geoscience sector. Through listening and learning, EDIG intends to stimulate new ideas and innovative approaches to tackling systemic inequalities.


Download the leaflet (pdf)​

EDIG project website:


Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences in Australasia (WOMEESA)


WOMEESA and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 15 August 2023, to develop a coordinated approach, where appropriate, for promoting initiatives and events on gender diversity, equity, and inclusion in the geosciences, as well as on the ethical, social, and cultural implications of geosciences, and favoring high ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience in order to better serve the geoscience community and society as a whole.

WOMEESA agrees to support the “Cape Town Statement on Geoethics” (that contains the Geoethical Promise, an Hippocratic-like oath for geoscientists, and agrees to be included in the list of supporting organizations of the statement.

WOMEESA ( is a non-for-profit initiative that brings together Earth and Environmental Scientists through Australasia. The objectives of WOMEESA are to: (a) promote gender equity and women in Earth and Environmental Sciences and related fields across all industries in the Australasia region; (b) provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and knowledge towards gender equity in Earth and Environmental Sciences and related fields; and (c) serve as a link between various Australasian and international organisations and individuals with interest in achieving gender equity in Earth and Environmental Sciences and related fields.​​

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IAH - International Association of Hydrogeologists


The IAH and the IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 5 April 2017. The aim of the agreement is to promote a co-ordinated policy for promoting initiatives and events of common interest, such as promoting the spreading of topics dealt with by an association among the members of the other association. In particular, IAPG and IAH will promote the involvement of their members in discussion on ethical and social implications in the exploitation and use of georesources, with specific attention to groundwater.

The agreement expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of issues in the field of geoethics and groundwater, in particular, the following affairs:

  • promoting the principles of geoethics, research integrity and best practices in use of groundwater within their networks;

  • cooperating in teaching and training events on groundwater, by introducing issues of geoethics;

  • co-organising scientific and dissemination events about (geo)ethical and social implications of groundwater use;

  • identifying possibilities to apply for funding for the development of common projects on geoethics and groundwater.

The IAH ( is an international scientific and educational professional association whose aims are to promote research into and understanding of the occurrence and importance of groundwater and its sound management and protection for the common good throughout the world. 2016 saw IAH celebrating the 60th anniversary of its founding in 1956, the main focus of these celebrations being the 43rd IAH Congress in Montpellier, France.

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IAEG - International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment


The IAEG - International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment and the IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 25 March 2016. The aim of the agreement is to promote a co-ordinated policy for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of engineering geology and favouring the adoption of ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience community in order to better serving the Society.

The agreement expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of themes in the field of Geoethics, in particular, the following issues:

  • promotion of principles of geoethics, research integrity and professional deontology in engineering geology activities among their networks;

  • definition of ethical problems, also through case-studies, affecting geoscience community and organizations;

  • co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts of geoethics, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to young engineering geologists;

  • production of relevant publications;

  • identification of possibilities to apply for the development of common projects on geoethics, research integrity and professional deontology.

The IAEG ( was founded in 1964 and is affiliated to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). IAEG is a worldwide scientific society with more than 5,200 members and 59 national groups. The official languages of the IAEG are English and French. The aims of the IAEG are 1) to promote and encourage the advancement of Engineering Geology through technological activities and research, 2) to improve teaching and training in Engineering Geology, and 3) to collect, evaluate and disseminate the results of engineering geological activities on a worldwide basis.

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IAG/AIG - International Association of Geomorphologists


The IAG/AIG - International Association of Geomorphologists and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 10 April 2019 in Vienna. The aim of the MoU is to develop a coordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geomorphology, and favouring the adoption of ethical standards in the research and practice of geomorphologists’ community in order to better serving the Society.

The MoU expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of Geoethics. It helps to assure a continued IAPG-IAG cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests, in particular, the following:

  • promotion of principles of geoethics, research integrity and professional deontology in activities on geomorphology among their networks;

  • definition of ethical problems, also through case-studies, affecting community and organizations of geomorphologists;

  • co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts of geoethics, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to young/early career  geomorphologists;

  • production of relevant publications.

The IAG/AIG - International Association of Geomorphologists ( is an international scientific, non-governmental, non-political and non-profit association, whose principal objectives are the development and the promotion of Geomorphology as a science through international co-operation and dissemination of geomorphological knowledge between the scientific community and the general public. The IAG was founded during the Second International Conference on Geomorphology in Frankfurt/Main (Germany) in 1989 in order to develop, to promote and to strengthen Geomorphology through international cooperation. IAG fulfils its aims through the establishment of working groups and task forces, support the training of Young Geomorphologists from all around the world, and especially from less-favored countries, organization of international and regional conferences, publication activity and information exchange. Membership of the IAG is normally by countries. At present, over 40 countries are affiliated to the IAG through their National Scientific Members. IAG is officially based in Madrid, Spain, and its activity is steered by an Executive Committee..

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GC - Geoscientists Canada/Géoscientifiques Canada


The GC and the IAPG signed a Memoradum of Understanding (MoU) on 22 September 2018. The aim of the MoU is to to assure a continued IAPG-GC cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests, in particular, the following:

  • promotion of principles of ethics, research integrity, and professional ethical deontology in geoscience activities among their networks;

  • definition of ethical issues, with accompanying case-studies, where appropriate, affecting the geoscience community and organizations;

  • co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts of ethics in geoscience, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to young geoscientists;

  • production of relevant publications and communications.​

GC ( is the national organization of the 9 provincial and territorial regulatory bodies that govern Canada’s professional geoscientists and geoscientists-in-training. Geoscientists Canada co-ordinates development of high national standards of admissions, competency, practice and mobility to ensure that Canada is served by a skilled, versatile, reputable and accountable geoscience profession.

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AAWG - African Association of Women in Geosciences


The AAWG and the IAPG signed an Agreement on Cooperation on 18 September 2015. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of themes in the field of Geoethics. The aim of the agreement is to promote co-ordinated events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences and initiatives enhancing the role of women scientists in geosciences. In particular:

  • promotion of principles of geoethics, research integrity and professional deontology in geosciences activities among their networks;

  • definition of ethical problems, also through case-studies, affecting geoscience community and organizations;

  • promotion of policies and initiatives to enhance the role of women scientists in geosciences;

  • promotion of initiatives to promote activities for social inclusivity and enhance the role of geosciences in building peace;

  • co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts and values of geoethics, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to the involvement of women and young geoscientists;

  • production of relevant publications;

  • identification of possibilities to apply for common projects on geoethics.

AAWG ( is an association born in Nairobi (Kenya) on 1995, created to promote Earth Sciences for Society through women and to promote women through Earth Sciences. AAWG is an affiliated organization of the IUGS – the International Union of Geological Sciences.

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GSAf - Geological Society of Africa

The GSAf and the IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 19 November 2020. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of geoethics. It helps to assure a continued IAPG – GSAf cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests in Africa, in particular, the following:

  • Theoretical aspects of geoethics;

  • Analyses of geoethical problems and dilemmas, also through case-studies;

  • Co-organization of scientific events on geoethics;

  • Production of relevant publications.

Both organizations will establish a liaison to ensure good information flow and cooperation. 

IAPG and GSAf agree:

  1. To promote joint initiatives and events in Africa on themes of common interest through their webpages, social networks, and publications;

  2. To foster cooperation in projects and activities on themes of common interest;

  3. When appropriate, involve respectively GSAf and IAPG in their publications and in scientific meetings/congresses on ethics, geoethics and philosophy of geosciences organized by GSAf and IAPG;

  4. To include their logos in the respective websites with the URL.

GSAf agrees to support the “Cape Town Statement on Geoethics” (that contains the Geoethical Promise, an Hippocratic-like oath for geoscientists, and agrees to be included in the list of supporting organizations of the statement.
GSAf ( is a not-for-profit Scientific and Professional Society for Earth scientists established to encourage geoscientific collaboration and cooperation across the continent. GSAf is an affiliated organization of the IUGS – the International Union of Geological Sciences.

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YES - International Network of Young and Early-Career Geoscientists


The YES Network and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 5 February 2018. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to officially co-operate on a range of themes in the field of geoethics as already done unofficially in the last years, in particular, to promote the discussion on geoethical issues among the international community of young and early-career Earth Scientists. The agreement helps to assure a continued IAPG-YES Network collaboration and coordination on issues of common interests, in particular, the following:

  • promotion of principles of geoethics, research integrity and professional deontology in geosciences activities among their networks;

  • definition of ethical problems, also through case-studies, affecting geoscience community and organizations with a particular focus on young and early-career geoscientists;

  • co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts of geoethics, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to young and early-career geoscientists;

  • production of relevant publications.

YES Network ( is an international organization of young and early-career Earth Scientists, primarily under the age of 35 years, coming from universities, geoscience organizations and companies all over the world, is headquartered in UNESCO, Paris (France). YES Network is a "legacy" of the International Year of Planet Earth, held in 2008. YES Network has more than 5000 members in 144 countries, and 49 national committees working together to "Promote Young Earth Scientists for Society". YES Network is affiliated to the IUGS – International Union of Geological Sciences.

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IGEO - International Geoscience Education Organisation


The IGEO and the IAPG signed an Agreement of Co-operation on 20 May 2015. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of issues in the field of geoethics and geoscience education, in particular, the following affairs:

  • promoting the principles of geoethics and research integrity in geosciences through their networks;

  • promoting the importance of geoscience education inside the scientific community;

  • promoting geoscience education internationally at all levels;

  • promoting the debate and working for the enhancement of quality in the international provision of geoscience education;

  • to encourage developments that raise public awareness of geoscience, particularly amongst younger people.

  • co-organising scientific and dissemination events on geoethics and geoscience education;

  • identifying possibilities to apply for funding for the development of common projects on geoethics and geoscience education.

Both organizations will establish a liaison to ensure good information flow and cooperation. IGEO ( is an association formed on January 2000 at the 3rd International Conference on Geoscience Education in Sydney, Australia, with the aim of promoting geoscience education internationally at all levels; working for the enhancement of quality in the international provision of geoscience education; encouraging developments that raise public awareness of geoscience, particularly amongst younger people. The IGEO is an affiliated organization of the IUGS – the International Union of Geological Sciences.

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JMO - Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası (Turkish Chamber of Geological Engineers)


The JMO and the IAPG signed an Agreement on Cooperation on 12 January 2021. The aim of the agreement is to develop a coordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences in Turkey. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of geoethics. It helps to assure a continued IAPG – JMO cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests in Turkey, in particular, the following:

  • theoretical aspects of geoethics;

  • analyses of geoethical problems and dilemmas, also through case-studies;

  • co-organization of scientific events on geoethics;

  • production of relevant publications.

​JMO agrees to support the “Cape Town Statement on Geoethics” (that contains the Geoethical Promise, an Hippocratic-like oath for geoscientists: and to be included among the list of supporting organizations of the statement.

TMMOB-JMO ( was established as a public professional organization in 1974 by statute which is defined in the constitution of the Republic of Turkey. The TMMOB-JMO counts on more than 19,000 Geological and Hydrogeological Engineers and as official organization has to watch over the respect of ethical practices in the profession. Its head-office is in Ankara.

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MJD - Maden Jeologları Derneği (Turkish Association of Economic Geologists)


The MJD and the IAPG signed an Agreement on Cooperation on 1 December 2020. The aim of the agreement is to develop a coordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences in Turkey. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of geoethics. It helps to assure a continued IAPG – MJD cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests in Turkey, in particular, the following:

  • theoretical aspects of geoethics;

  • analyses of geoethical problems and dilemmas, also through case-studies;

  • co-organization of scientific events on geoethics;

  • production of relevant publications.

​MJD agrees to support the “Cape Town Statement on Geoethics” (that contains the Geoethical Promise, an Hippocratic-like oath for geoscientists: and to be included among the list of supporting organizations of the statement.

MJD ( is a nonprofit organization founded in 2011 with more than 400 members, focused on the advancement of the mineral exploration discipline and support exploration geoscience. Its aims are to improve the mineral exploration knowledge and understanding of the exploration business, to promote earth science education and awareness, professional excellence and ethical standards in the mining business. The association’s primary activities are supporting mining and mineral exploration business in specific; organizing scientific meetings, training and conferences; promote best technical and ethical practice in the exploration and mining business. Other activities include contributing state’s regulatory drafts associated with mining issues, training and courses on exploration related subjects and maintaining network on mineral exploration communities and fostering public awareness of geoscience. The MJD has several committees on various topics including Training-Education, Ethics, External Affairs, Women’s committee, Social Activities and Networking. The MJD is also an official representative of European Federation of Geologists (EFG) and one of its international Vetting Committees serving the Eurgeol applications from Turkey. MJD is also involved and contributed in several EU geoscience projects.

ASAGAI - Asociación Argentina de Geología Aplicada a la Ingeniería


ASAGAI - Asociación Argentina de Geología Aplicada a la Ingeniería (Argentinian Association of Geology Applied to Engineering) and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on 25 October 2022. The aim of this MoA is to develop a coordinated approach, where appropriate, for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social, and cultural implications of geosciences, and favoring high ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience in order to better serve the geoscience community and society as a whole.

The MoA expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of ethics in Geoscience. It helps to assure a continued IAPG – ASAGAI cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests, in particular the following:

  • Promotion of principles of ethics, research integrity, and professional deontology in geoscientific activities.

  • Definition of ethical issues, with accompanying case-studies, where appropriate, affecting the geoscientific community and organizations.

  • Co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts of ethics in geosciences, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to young and early career geoscientists.

  • Production of relevant publications and communications.

Both organizations will establish a liaison to ensure good information flow and cooperation.

ASAGAI agrees to support the “Cape Town Statement on Geoethics” (that contains the Geoethical Promise, an Hippocratic-like oath for geoscientists: and to be included among the list of supporting organizations of the statement.

ASAGAI ( is a non-profit civil entity established on 29 December 1975, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Association constitutes the Argentine National Group of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) and is a member of COMGEO, Commission of Associations of Geology Applied to Engineering and the Environment of South America and the Caribbean.

The general objectives of the Association are:

  • Promote collaboration between professionals and scientists interested in the field of Geology Applied to Engineering and the Environment, as well as promote the specialty through the active support of its associate members.

  • Stimulate and extend the application and research of Geology and related disciplines, in relation to Engineering and the Environment, for the best technical and economic solution to problems of both general and local interest.

  • Link professionals who are interested in Geology Applied to Engineering and the Environment in the Argentine Republic and abroad.

  • Facilitate the national and international exchange of information related to its specialized activities.

  • Maintain permanent links with IAEG (International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment – International Association of Geology Applied to Engineering and the Environment).

  • Stimulate non-profit cooperation between Geology and related disciplines, and Engineering.o 

  • Edit the Journal of Geology Applied to Engineering and the Environment as its official publication, in which scientific articles related to the disciplines of applied geology are published.

AEG logo
AEG - Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists


The AEG and the IAPG signed an Agreement on Cooperation on 8 October 2015. The aim of the agreement is to promote co-ordinated initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences and favouring the adoption of ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience community in order to better serving the Society. In particular:

  • promotion of principles of geoethics, research integrity and professional deontology in geosciences activities among their networks;

  • definition of ethical problems, also through case studies, affecting geoscience community and organizations; 

  • co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts and values of geoethics, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to young geoscientists;

  • production of relevant publications;

  • identification of possibilities to apply for common projects on geoethics, research integrity and professional deontology.

AEG ( is the organization providing leadership, advocacy, and applied research in environmental and engineering geology for its members' professional success and the public welfare. AEG is the acknowledged international leader in environmental and engineering geology, and is greatly respected for its stewardship of the profession. AEG offers information on environmental and engineering geology useful to practitioners, scientists, students, and the public. AEG members are presently located in 15 countries. In the United States of America, AEG members come from each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

BDG logo
BDG - Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler e.V.


BDG - Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler e.V. and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA)  on 12 April 2019. The aim of the MoA is to develop a coordinated approach, where appropriate, for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social, and cultural implications of geosciences, and favoring high ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience in order to better serve society. The MoA expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of ethics in Geoscience. It helps to assure a continued IAPG – BDG cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests, in particular, the following:

  • promotion of principles of ethics, research integrity, and professionalism in geoscientific activities among their networks;

  • definition of ethical issues, with accompanying case-studies, where appropriate, affecting the geoscientific community and organizations;

  • co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts of ethics in the geosciences, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to young geoscientists;

  • production of relevant publications and communications.

Both organizations will establish a liaison to ensure good information flow and cooperation.

BDG ( founded in 1984, is the professional representation of geologists, geophysicists, mineralogists and other geoscientists in Germany. Its 2,200 members, thereof 130 corporate members, are mainly derived from industry and business, from governmental and administrative functions, from geo-consultancies and independents as well as from academic and research institutions. The BDG actively promotes the professional situation of the geoscientists in Germany by efficiently and prudently lobbying in public, politics, geo-related professions and organizations and by offering comprehensive services to its members. The BDG serves as a forum for the exchange of information and as a mediator between professional concerns and those of science and research. The BDG identifies and voices the rapidly changing job requirements and work qualification standards and proposes appropriate amendments to the academic curriculum of the geoscientific disciplines.

APG logo
APG - Associação Portuguesa de Geólogos


APG - Associação Portuguesa de Geólogos and the IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 13 July 2020. The aim of this agreement is to develop a coordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences in Portugal. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of geoethics. It helps to assure a continued IAPG – APG cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests in Portugal, in particular, the following:

  • theoretical aspects of geoethics;

  • analyses of geoethical problems and dilemmas, also through case-studies;

  • co-organization of scientific events on geoethics;

  • production of relevant publications.

Both organizations will establish a liaison to ensure good information flow and cooperation. 

APG agrees to support the “Cape Town Statement on Geoethics” (that contains the Geoethical Promise, an Hippocratic-like oath for geoscientists: and to be included among the list of supporting organizations of the statement
APG  ( was founded in 1976 clearly assuming itself as a socio-professional association in the image of the pan-European associative movement of geologists that arose at that time and that in 1980 originated the European Federation of Geologists.
The APG is a nonprofit public interest socio-professional association that brings together geology professionals. It is a founding member of the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) and a member of the Portuguese Federation of Scientific Associations and Societies (FEPASC). 
Within the scope of the European Federation of Geologists, APG, through the National Accreditation Commission and in close collaboration with the International Licensed Body of the EFG, participates in the attribution of the title of Eurogeologist (EurGeol) recognized and accepted internationally as a standard of quality and ethics in the exercise of the profession of geologist. Additionally, Eurogeologists can be considered Competent Persons by the Pan-European Reserves and Resources Reporting Committee (PERC), as long as they have the necessary skills.

SGCh logo
SGCh - Sociedad Geológica de Chile


SGCh - Sociedad Geológica de Chile and the IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 15 July 2020. The aim of this agreement is to develop a coordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences in Chile.

The agreement expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of geoethics. It helps to assure a continued IAPG – SGCh cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests in Chile, in particular, the following:

  • theoretical aspects of geoethics;

  • analyses of geoethical problems and dilemmas, also through case-studies;

  • co-organization of scientific events on geoethics;

  • production of relevant publications.

Both organizations will establish a liaison to ensure good information flow and cooperation. 

Since SGCh established a Geoethics Group in 2019, that expressed the interest to act in Chile as a section of the IAPG, both parties agree to officially recognizes the Geoethics Group of the SGCh as the Chilean section of the IAPG (IAPG-Chile).

SGCh agrees to support the “Cape Town Statement on Geoethics” (that contains the Geoethical Promise, an Hippocratic-like oath for geoscientists: and to be included among the list of supporting organizations of the statement.

SGCh ( is legally a non-profit private law corporation aimed at increasing the knowledge, dissemination and teaching of Geology in Chile. Its main objectives are: promote the development of geological research in the country, facilitate cooperation and knowledge between natural or legal persons, national or foreign, interested in these studies, promote the expansion of geology education in Chile, encourage any action aimed at preserving the National Scientific Heritage in regard to Geology, participate in all International Geological Congresses and other similar meetings and convene the holding of the Chilean Geological Congress. The SGCh is directed by a board of directors elected by the members of the society, made up of the President, Secretary and Treasurer plus six directors and the Past President. It has eight specialized groups in: History of Geology, Geoheritage, Meteorite and Planetary Sciences, Education, Environmental Geology, Geoethics, Marine Geology and Geophysics, and Volcanology. It has its headquarters in the same place as the Union Association of Geologists of Chile at Valentín Letelier # 20, downtown Santiago, Chile. The Geological Society of Chile is a member of IUGS.

GSU logo
GSU - Geological Society of Uganda


GSU - Geological Society of Uganda and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on 1 December 2022. The aim of the memorandum of agreement (MoA) is to develop a coordinated approach, where appropriate, for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social, and cultural implications of geosciences, and favoring high ethical standards in the research and practice of Geoscience in order to better serve the geoscience community and society as a whole.

The MoA expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of geoethics. It helps to assure a continued IAPG – GSU cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests, in particular the following:

  • Promotion of principles of ethics, research integrity, and professional deontology in geoscientific activities.

  • Definition of ethical issues, with accompanying case-studies, where appropriate, affecting the geoscientific community and organizations in Uganda.

  • Co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts of ethics in geosciences, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to young and early career geoscientists.

  • Production of relevant publications and communications.

Both organizations will establish a liaison to ensure good information flow and cooperation.

GSU agrees to support the “Cape Town Statement on Geoethics” (that contains the Geoethical Promise, an Hippocratic-like oath for geoscientists: and to be included among the list of supporting organizations of the statement.

GSU ( is an Ugandan Registered Association which was formed in 1970 and comprises of Registered Geoscientists in the Earth science professions. The Earth  Scientists in this Society include broadly those actively involved in the fields of Geology, Hydrogeology, Marine Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geomorphology and Environmental Geology, Mining Engineering, Mineral Technology, Energy, Petroleum geosciences and Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Seismology and Earthquake Engineering and any branch of these subjects or related fields. For one to be a Member of GSU, the prequalification is that the Earth Scientist has to be professionally trained in any of the above fields. The registered office of the Society is situated at the College of Natural Sciences at Makerere University in the Republic of Uganda. The aims and purpose of the GSU is to encourage and promote the study and professional practice of the Earth Sciences, particularly in Uganda and elsewhere, facilitating the exchange of ideas between earth scientists and other members of society for the benefit not only of the Geoscience fraternity alone but for the people whom this science can serve and considering the principal aspects of Environmental protection and Safety.

The main objectives of GSU are the following:

  • Arranging and sponsoring lectures, seminars, colloquia, symposia and excursions.  

  • Encouraging the publication of suitable research material principally through the medium of its newsletter and journal. 

  • Maintaining liaison with geological and allied institutions both within and outside Uganda including offering technical assistance and advice on problems related to Earth Science. 

  • Upholding professional standards and ethics as contained in the Code of Professional Conduct of the Society locally and Internationally. 

  • Promoting and advocating for the welfare of its members at their places of work. 

  • Maintaining its registration as a legal entity and remaining non-political. 

RIES logo
RIES - Research Institute for Earth Sciences – Geological Survey of Iran
UCCGHA - UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis


RIES, UCCGHA, and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 26 January 2023. 

The aim of the MoU is to develop a coordinated approach, where appropriate, for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social, and cultural implications of geosciences, with a focus on coastal geo-hazard analysis, and favoring high ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience in order to better serve the geoscience community and society as a whole.

The MoU expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of geoethics. It helps to assure a continued IAPG–RIES–UCCGHA cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests, in particular the following:

  • Promotion of principles of ethics, research integrity, and professional deontology in geoscientific activities.

  • Definition of ethical issues, with accompanying case-studies, where appropriate, affecting the geoscientific community and organizations in Iran.

  • Co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts of ethics in geosciences, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to young and early career geoscientists.

  • Production of relevant publications and communications.

Both organizations will establish a liaison to ensure good information flow and cooperation.
RIES and UCCGHA agree to support the “Cape Town Statement on Geoethics” (that contains the Geoethical Promise, a Hippocratic-like oath for geoscientists: and to be included among the list of supporting organizations of the statement.

RIES (, as a public research institute is affiliated by Geological Survey of Iran (GSI) was established in 1992, which has more than 450 graduates as Master’s and doctoral students in its educational records. Administratively, The RIES runs between two ministries of the Science and Technology and the Industry, Mine and Trade in Iran respectively. The main scope and mission of the RIES is making Research and Development in the GSI. The RIES was officially accepted as the host of the UCCGHA on December 3, 2021 (ED/FLI/21/160).

UCCGHA ( was established by UNESCO Department of Education in 2021 on the platform of the RIES. The UCCGHA is a unique and new platform in the exchange of ideas in the field of geology, oceanography, seismology and Geo-archaeology with the aim of global convergence, equality, outside of gender and beliefs segregation that seeks transparency and access to unlimited information.

CCGHA logo
IUGS-IFG - Initiative on Forensic Geology


The IUGS-IFG - Initiative on Forensic Geology and the IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 7 April 2017. The aim of the agreement is to promote a coordinated policy for promoting initiatives and events of common interest, such as promoting the spreading of topics dealt with by an association among the members of the other association.  In particular, IAPG and IUGS-IFG will promote the involvement of their members in the discussion on ethical and social implications of forensic geology.

The agreement expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of issues in the field of geoethics and forensic geology, in particular, the following affairs:

  • Promoting principles of geoethics, research integrity and best practices in forensic geology within their networks;

  • Cooperating in teaching and training events on forensic geology, by introducing issues of geoethics;

  • Co-organising scientific and dissemination events about (geo)ethical and social implications in forensic geology;

  • Identifying of possibilities to apply for funding for the development of common projects on geoethics and forensic geology.

The IUGS-IFG was established at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France, on 22 February 2011, and its aim is “to develop forensic geology internationally and promote its applications”. IUGS-IFG aims to raise the global awareness of forensic geology by holding meetings and conferences, promoting research, teaching, training and the operational deployment of forensic geologists, and developing an international network (Geoforensic International Network - GIN) whereby each ‘member’ will act as a principal contact in their respective country for the collation and dissemination of information on forensic geology. The IUGS-IFG Committee comprises representatives from major geographical regions of the world and includes specialists from; academia, industry, consultancy, operationally based forensic geologists, the police, law enforcement agencies and forensic organisations. Both IUGS-IFG and the Geoforensic International Network (GIN), currently including more than 35 countries, bring together forensic geologists, geoscientists and invited police/law enforcement officers from around the world, who have a desire and interest in the development of forensic geology. Website:

APRL logo
NKUA-APRL - The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens-Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory


The NKUA-APRL and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 30 September 2019.

The aim of the MoU is to cooperate on developing empirical and/or theoretical research in the areas of geoethics and bioethics, and to coordinate activities aimed at promoting the discussion on the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences and biosciences.

The MoU expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of Geoethics, Bioethics, Environmental Ethics, Philosophy of Geosciences, and Sustainable Development. It helps to assure a continued IAPG – NKUA-APRL cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests, in particular, the following:

  • theoretical aspects of geoethics;

  • analyses of geoethical and environmental problems and dilemmas, also through case-studies;

  • relationships between bioethics and geoethics;

  • co-organization of scientific events;

  • production of relevant publications.

  • extend mutual invitations for academic purposes.

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory ( was established in 1999 as an autonomous unit in the Department of Philosophy of the University of Athens. The initial purpose of the Lab's establishment was to facilitate research in the area of applied philosophy and provide teaching support to students and faculty members in both graduate and post-graduate level of studies. The Lab is also committed to conduct empirical and/or theoretical research in all areas of philosophy, with particular focus on Ethics, Metaethics and Applied Ethics. To this purpose the Lab seeks to foster collaborations with other Laboratories, Research Centers or Units, as well as with international organizations and societies. The Lab seeks to further and convey knowledge on areas of philosophical research by means of hosting post-graduate programs of study, publishing works of original philosophical research as well as journals, and organizing conferences..

GfGD logo
GfGD - Geology for Global Development


The GfGD and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on 24 May 2017. The aim of the agreement is to collaborate in the promotion of geoethics as an important consideration for all geoscientists, particularly emphasizing the role of geoethics in delivering sustainable development in low-income countries.

GfGD ( is a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number: 1165663), existing to champion the role of geology in sustainable international development, mobilizing and reshaping the geology community to help deliver the UN Sustainable Development Goals (2015-2030). Their vision is to see: 

  • Every geologist equipped with the skills and understanding required to make a positive contribution to sustainable development.

  • A geology community actively engaged in the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of international development activities. 

  • A world where organizations, governments and individuals have equal access to, and an understanding of, the geological science required to ensure sustainable development.

GfGD aims to pursue this vision (in particular, but not exclusively) through the following activities: communications, educational material, training courses, placement opportunities, by promoting research in all aspects of that subject and publishing the useful result, providing grants, equipment and services (in particular but not exclusively education and training in geology) to individuals in need, other charitable organizations, and/or other organizations working to prevent or relieve poverty. The values which underpin the work of GfGD are helpfully articulated by the Cape Town Statement of Geoethics, endorsed by GfGD in 2017, as stated in GfGD’s strategy.

FCEA logo
FCEA - Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment


The FCEA and the IAPG signed an Agreement on Cooperation on 21 May 2018. The Agreement expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of issues in the field of geoethics and climate engineering. In particular, IAPG and FCEA will promote the discussion about topics related to social, ethical, political, and legal implications of emerging technologies that fall under the broad rubric of climate engineering (sometimes referred to as “climate geoengineering” or "climate intervention").

FCEA's ( overarching objective is to assess the social, ethical, political, and legal implications of emerging technologies that fall under the broad rubric of climate engineering (sometimes referred to as “climate geoengineering” or “climate intervention”). FCEA produces policy-relevant research and commentary, and work in a variety of ways ensure that the climate engineering conversation maintains a focus on issues of justice, equity, agency, and inclusion. FCEA is an initiative of the School of International Service at American University in Washington, DC. FCEA was constituted in 2013, out of a recognition that the conversation about climate engineering responses to climate change was growing rapidly in importance, yet was narrowly restricted in terms of the scope of actors and interests.

SGP logo
SGP - Sociedad Geológica del Perù


The SGP and the IAPG have an Agreement for Cooperation on 3 July 2017. The aim of the agreement is to promote a co-ordinated policy for promoting initiatives and events of common interest. In particular, IAPG and SGP will promote the involvement of their members in discussion on ethical and social implications of geoscience knowledge, education, research, practice and communication. IAPG and SGP will cooperate in the organization of the geoscience event "MINERLIMA". SGP recognizes officially “IAPG-Peru” as the “Sección Especializada en Geoética, Cultura Geológica y Sociedad of the Sociedad Geológica del Perú”. SGP has endorsed the Cape Town Statement on Geoethics in 2017.

SGP ( is a legal non-profit entity, founded on 3th July 1924. It comprises together geologists, other professionals, corporations, government entities and people interested in the earth sciences. Its main objectives are the diffusion of earth science and the promotion of scientific and technological research inside and outside the country, promoting cultural exchange with other organizations, collaborating with public and private universities and scientific institutions in the country and abroad in geological research. Likewise, SGP promotes the development of activities of extraction and rational use of natural resources.

I-GEMA logo
I-GEMA - Instituto de Geociencias Y Medio Ambiente, Arequipa-Perù


The I-GEMA (Institute of Geosciences and Environment) and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on 1 December 2018. The aim of the MoA is to develop a coordinated approach, where appropriate, for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social, and cultural implications of geosciences, and favoring high ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience in order to better serve society. The MoA helps to assure a continued IAPG – I-GEMA cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests, in particular, the following:

  • promotion of principles of ethics, research integrity, and professional ethical deontology in geoscientific activities among their networks;

  • definition of ethical issues, with accompanying case-studies, where appropriate, affecting the geoscientific community and organizations;

  • co-organization of scientific events to disseminate concepts of ethics in Geoscience, among both the professional and research communities, with particular attention to young geoscientists;

  • production of relevant publications and communications.

I-GEMA ( is a non-profit scientific and academic institution duly registered and recognized by the public authorities of Peru and whose general objectives are:

  • Promoting development and research in Geosciences and related areas within the framework of Geoethics, sustainable development and responsibility social, with quality and commitment, in a multidisciplinary, integrating and dynamic way. In this perspective, I-GEMA is promoting Geoparks and Geotourism in Peru within the framework of UNESCO's requirements.

  • Promoting training, awareness of sustainable development of the Mining - Energy sector and its importance in economic development and employment generation in Peru.

  • Conducting academic, educational programs and events, in universities and schools such as: Congresses, Conventions, Forums, Workshops, Seminars, Talks, Field Schools.

  • Carrying out specialized research Projects and teaching activities in the field of Geosciences, which contemplate their development and application to problems of Peruvian interest and the training of human resources in specific areas.

ANGE logo
ANGE - African Network for Geo-Education


The ANGE and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on 19 February 2015.

The agreement expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of issues in the field of geoethics and geosciences education.

ANGE promotes geoscience education in Africa at all levels, works for the enhancement of the quality of geoscience education in Africa and Arabian World and to raise the public awareness on geoscience, amongst all people. ANGE is open to the international context, through cooperation with other organizations having the same goals. 

ANGE monitors international provision of geoscience education and fosters communications between geoscience educators worldwide.

ANGE website:

GEVAS logo
GEVAS Red Argentina


GEVAS Red Argentina and the IAPG signed an Agreement on Cooperation on 4 January 2016.

The agreement expresses a mutual desire to promote coordinated activities and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences and initiatives enhancing the application of geoethics to the study and management of geohazards and to their impact on society, environment and human health.

GEVAS ( is a civil, not-for-profit Association that was legally recognized in 2013. The objectives of GEVAS are related to promote actions aimed at developing the “Best Practices” for interaction between Geosciences and Society. GEVAS is devoted at facing the social and environmental impact of volcanic hazard and other geohazards. Particular objectives are related to fostering transfer of scientific knowledge to society, to collaborate with public and private institutions involved in risk management, to perform basic scientific research, to develop international networks and communications on geohazards, to provide technical support to different levels of actors (scientific, politics, society in general, educational, public health), and to encourage local communities from affected areas to participate and create resilient social behaviors.

EFF logo
EFF - Earth Future Festival


IAPG is partner of EFF from April 2022.

The Earth Futures Festival aims to raise international awareness of the role of Earth Science (geoscience) in our sustainable future. Geoscience is key to understanding the relationships between the planet’s physical and biological systems, human interaction with the environment and climatic impacts. It is essential to reaching the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, plays a vital role in disaster risk reduction and is critical in achieving the Paris Climate Agreement. The festival is a global collaboration to showcase how geoscience is addressing current sustainability challenges through media, with a key focus on education, diversity and inclusion. The festival aims to educate and inspire others, create diverse role models, motivate positive global change and attract a diverse range of people towards both study and careers in the field of geoscience.

EFF website: 

RFG2018 logo
RFG - Resources for Future Generations


The RFG 2018 Conference on Energy, Minerals, Water, The Earth was held in Vancouver (Canada) from 16 to 21 June 2018. IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics was technical partner of the RFG 2018 Conference. The IAPG organized and supported 5 sessions on different issues of geoethics under the Theme "Resources and Society" that included 11 keynote speeches, 28 oral presentations, 10 poster presentations (for details on the programme click here).

RFG 2018 website: 

IYGU logo
IYGU - International Year of Global Understanding


IAPG is recognized as a global partner of IYGU from 13 December 2016. 

IYGU has been proclaimed by the International Councils of the Natural, Social, and Human Sciences: ICSU - International Council for Science, ISSC - International Social Science Council and CIPSH - International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences. IYGU addresses the ways in which we inhabit an increasingly globalized world. IYGU connects local actions and global challenges, focuses on the global sustainability of local action, recognizes culturally different paths to global sustainability. IYGU addresses key United Nations Charter Constitution issues. It aims to strengthen international co-operation by preparing new strategies to face global challenges. The 2016 International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU) is based on an initiative of the International Geographical Union (IGU) that seeks support for its widespread implementation beyond the field of science.

IYGU website:

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International Association for Promoting Geoethics

Via di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Rome (Italy) |

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