Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos
Tsunamis in the European-Mediterranean Region, From Historical Record to Risk Mitigation
2015, p. 290, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-12-420224-5
From the publisher:
Provides a much-needed synopsis of tsunami history, generation causes, hazard assessment, early warning issues and risk mitigation in the European-Mediterranean region with global comparisons, making this a universally relevant reference
Key Features
Details the systems currently available for tsunami recording, monitoring, and early warning, and the technologies that support them.
Contains numerical modeling techniques used for the generation, propagation, and inundation of tsunamis.
Presents clear examples of tsunamis in the region and their documentation, as well as comparisons with other regions globally.
Includes full-color illustrations that accompany the text.
Tsunamis in the European-Mediterranean Region: From Historical Record to Risk Mitigation provides readers with a much needed, reliable, and up-to-date history of the region, including descriptions and parameters of the main events from pre-history to the present that are supported by parametric catalogues, pictorial material, and examples of instrumental records, such as tide-gauge records.The book presents a broader perspective of needed action for local and national governments, and international organizations, and is written by an internationally recognized expert in this field, providing an authoritative account of historical tsunamis in the eastern Mediterranean.It addresses key points of tsunami mitigation, including the systems currently available for tsunami recording, monitoring, and early warning, along with a presentation of the preventative measures that can be applied in all tsunami-vulnerable regions.
Table of contents
Chapter 1: Tsunamis in the Global Ocean
1.1. Tsunamis and Megatsunamis
1.2. Tsunami record and impact
1.3. Tsunami sources and generation mechanisms
1.4. Tsunami physical properties: a few elements
1.5. Tsunami quantification
1.6. The December 26, 2004 devastating tsunami in the Indian Ocean
1.7. The 2011 devastating tsunami in Japan
1.8. Tsunami early warning systems
1.9. Lessons learned from near-field early warnings: the Japanese experience
Chapter 2: Historical and Geological Evidence of Tsunamis in Europe and the Mediterranean
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Historical sources
2.3. Geological and archeological signatures
2.4. Instrumental records
Chapter 3: Impact of Tsunamis
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Effects of some important tsunamis
3.3. Impact statistics from a new tsunami catalog
Chapter 4: Tsunamigenic Sources and Generation Mechanisms
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Tsunami sources and generation mechanisms
4.3. Source discrimination
4.4. Other tsunami sources
Chapter 5: What Do We Learn for the Source Characterization from Numerical Modeling?
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Characterization of tsunami sources from numerical modeling inputs
5.3. Some conclusions
Chapter 6: Hazard, Vulnerability, and Risk Assessment
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Glossary and terminology
6.3. Tsunami hazard assessment in the EM region
6.4. Tsunami vulnerability assessment in the EM region: qualitative and quantitative approaches
6.5. Tsunami risk assessment in the EM region
Chapter 7: Tsunami Early Warning Systems and Risk Mitigation
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Early efforts
7.3. NEAMTWS: associated national centers – NEAMTIC
7.4. The JRC Tsunami Programme
7.5. Other early warning systems and operational tools
7.6. Local warning systems for near-field tsunamis
7.7. Tsunami early warning and risk mitigation: some critical issues
7.8. Other tsunami risk mitigation issues
Appendix: Strong Tsunamis Historically Known in the Mediterranean and Connected Seas