88° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana (88th Congress of the Italian Geological Society)
Napoli (Italy), 7-9 September 2016
Session S36 - Geoethics: a new way of thinking and practicing geosciences
Stefano Tinti, Francesco De Pascale, Sabina Di Franco, Alessandra Magagna, Silvia Peppoloni
Sessione description
In recent years the interest in the ethical issues related to geological activities has grown fast. More and more geoscientists reflect on the role that they can play in society, on their responsibility in making decisions on the territory that may have an impact on the natural, social and economic balances. Geoethics represents a point of intersection for geosciences, sociology, philosophy and economics, dealing with the ethical, social, economic and cultural implications of Earth Sciences education, research and practice. Geoethics focuses on some of the most important environmental matters, such as the georisks management, communication and mitigation, the use of geo-resources, the correct dissemination of the geological knowledge, the improvement of the relationships between geological community, politicians, mass media and the public. It aims to organize effective tools to develop awareness, values and responsibility about the Earth processes and resources within the society, even through the enhancement of geoparks and geo-tourism, and the promotion of values such as geoheritage and geodiversity, also highlighting the usefulness of the geological knowledge in daily life, by promoting disciplines like geo-medicine and forensic geosciences. The conveners invite abstracts on both practical and theoretical aspects of Geoethics, including case studies. The session is promoted by the Italian section of the IAPG -International Association for Promoting Geoethics (http://www.geoethics.org) - Sezione di Geoetica e Cultura Geologica della Società Geologica Italiana.
Friday, 9 September 2016 (08.30 - 11.00)
Aula A32
36-1 (08.30 - 08.45)
Dattilo V. & De Pascale F.
The semiosis of the Anthropocene: the triangle “geology/geography – planet illness – society”
36-2 (08.45 - 09.00)
Giardino M., Lucchesi S., Dellarole E., Bagnati T. & Magagna A.
Ethics of Geodiversity, geoEthics for Diversity: added values for Unesco Geoparks
36-3 (09.00 - 09.15)
Tinti S.
Geoethics: is it a new science or a new focus in geosciences?
36-4 (09.15 - 09.30)
Giardino M. & Lucchesi S.
A new paper on Geoethics: The “Laudato Sii” Encyclical Letter by Pope Francis on the care of our common home, Planet Earth
36-5 (09.30 - 09.45)
Liserre B.
The importance of environmental education in Niccolò Machiavelli’s thought in the context of the Italian Renaissance: a geoethical model
36-6 (09.45 - 10.00)
De Pascale F., Dattilo V., Muto F., Bernardo M. & D'Amico S.
Teaching resilience and educating to seismic risk reduction at school: a geoethical path in Aiello Calabro, southern Italy
36-7 (10.00 - 10.15)
Ryazi Khyabani F. & Pieruccioni D.
Will a geologist choose the environmental ethics or the economy?
36-8 (10.15 - 10.30)
Kalenge Nguvulu C. & Lupia Palmieri A.
The natural capital challenges in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a geoethical emergency
36-9 (10.30 - 10.45)
Somma R.
Forensic soil analyses in a simulated murder case
36-10 (10.45 - 11.00)
Tinti S. & Armigliato A.
Are there geoethical aspects involved in geohazard assessment? The case of tsunami hazard quantification and mapping
Friday, 9 September 2016
Area Poster
36-11 (Pannello 152)
Lozar F., Delfino M., Cirilli F., Bernardi M., Magagna A. & Giardino M.
“Urban Fossils”: a project enabling reflections concerning human impact on planet Earth
36-12 (Pannello 153)
Gaudiosi G., Nappi R., Alessio G. & Porfido S.
Macroseismic intensity evaluation for the seismic hazard assessment in the third millennium
36-13 (Pannello 154)
Somma R., Silvestro M., Cascio M., Longo V., Barbagallo O. & Dawson L.
The use of digital surface, terrain models and geophysics to define search priorities for clandestine burials in a GIS-based Red-Amber-Green (RAG) system
36-14 (Pannello 155)
Seifilaleh S. & Ahadnezhad V.
Review of the performance of the crisis management centers in Iran and analysis of these institutions in Bam earthquake
The programme of the session on geoethics in the SGI2016 website