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Silvia Peppoloni
Eduardo Marone
Nic Bilham
Giuseppe Di Capua
Martin Bohle

Thanks to a donation by Martin Bohle (IAPG Board of Expert), the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics will support the participation of 1 young geoscientist from low-income countries at the EGU General Assembly 2018, by covering the APC - Abstract Processing Charge (40,00 Euros), if she/he will submit an abstract in the IAPG session EOS4 on Geoethics.

Read here how to apply for (EXPIRED)

EGU - General Assembly 2018

Vienna, 8-13 April 2018


Session EOS4 - Geoethics: ethical, social and cultural implications of geoscience knowledge, education, communication, research and practice


Silvia Peppoloni, Nic Bilham, Martin Bohle, Giuseppe Di Capua, Eduardo Marone


Sessione description

Geoscientists of all disciplines face ethical issues when exercising their professions. All branches of geosciences have ethical, social and cultural implications. Geoethics intends to provide a common framework for these concerns, such as to discuss the values which underpin appropriate behaviors and practices, wherever human activities interact with the Earth system. Building on recent efforts the geo-ethical frameworks for geoscience research and practices, which can help geoscientists confronting ethical dilemmas and make them more aware of their responsibility in conducting their activities, have to be developed constantly.

Geoethical principles apply to geoscientists’ work across four equally important domains: the self, colleagues, society and the natural/cultural environments. Respectively, the spectrum of geoethics topics is very large. It includes, for example, issues of research integrity and professional deontology, conduct of research activities such as design of research questions, observation schemes, data gathering data analysis, simulation and scenario/theory building, interinstitutional matters such as conflicts of interests and publishing ethics, the role of geoscientists in sustainable development, exploration and use of geo-resources, water and soil while meeting high standards of environmental protection, the defense of the society against natural risks, and the impact of human activities (including pollution) on human wellbeing and Earth System Dynamics (e.g. climate, nitrogen fluxes). Furthermore, the spectrum includes interfaces with social sciences and humanities, for example when encompassing the ethical implications of science communication, public awareness of the importance of geosciences, geo-education for the citizen, of geoheritage and geoparks as tools to raise insights into the importance of Earth system to our lives and cultures. Finally the spectrum includes also addressing harassment and discrimination in the geosciences, including on grounds of gender, ethnicity or disability; so is the role of geosciences in the economic and social development of low-income countries while respecting local cultures and traditions, and in promoting peace and intercultural exchange. 

Geoscientists make fundamental contributions to address many of the most urgent problems that are affecting Earth and people. Technical knowledge and expert advice are vital for informed decision-making, education at all levels, and to equip the citizens to participate at the quest and implementation of solutions to these problems. Geoscientists with awareness of their ethical responsibilities towards themselves, colleagues, society and the environment will be able to put their knowledge at the service of society, to communicate it effectively, and to foster public trust in science-based solutions.

The conveners invite abstracts on both practical and theoretical aspects of geoethics, including case studies. The aim of the session is to develop ethical and social perspectives on the challenges arising from human interaction with natural systems, to complement technical approaches and solutions, and to help to define an ethical framework for geoscientists' research and practice in addressing these challenges.


The session is co-sponsored by the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics ( and the Geological Society of London (


This session in the EGU 2018 website


Oral presentations: 12 April 2018, 08:30-12:00; Room L7

Poster presentations: 12 April 2018, 08:00-19:30, attendance 13:30-15:00; Hall X1






First part: Geoethics: foundations, cultures and social justice


EGU2018-12376: From efficient cause to final cause: the role of geoethics in the frame of geosciences (Stefano Tinti)


EGU2018-2691: Geoethics – reflections in a historical context (Bjørn Kalsnes)


EGU2018-5677: On Appropriate Engagement between the Geoscience Community and Corporate Actors (Gretchen Goldman and Genna Reed)


EGU2018-11578: Suggestions for infusing ethics throughout a geoscience department (Vincent Cronin)

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EGU2018-9708: The Updated AGU Ethics Policy: A Strategic Milestone to Impact Sexual Harassment in Science and other Work Climate issues (Michael McPhaden, Eric Davidson, Christine McEntee, and Billy Williams)


EGU2018-17927: Social bias in mortality of poor compared to affluent people in earthquakes (Max Wyss, Philippe Rosset, and Stavros Tolis)


Second part: Applying geoethical thinking in novel settings: marine and mining


EGU2018-4025: UNCLOS framework of Ocean Governance: Ethical Dimensions (Eduardo Marone and Luis Marone)


EGU2018-4742: How to practice critically engaged science – a case of applying ethical principles in Senegal (Cornelia E. Nauen and Aliou Sall)


EGU2018-16981: Risk communication about tsunamis in the Mediterranean Sea: challenges and pitfalls (Andrea Cerase)

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EGU2018-17962: Reconciling environmental, social and ethical drivers and implications of mining – can we have it all, or do we have to choose? (Nic Bilham)


EGU2018-84: Social sciences in the extractive industries – an example (Jan Boon)


EGU2018-37: Geoethical Thinking and Wicked Socio-Environmental Systems (Martin Bohle)





EGU2018-45: Acid Mine Drainage Problem in Democratic Republic of Congo (Patrick Maheshe and Kitae Beak)
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EGU2018-1179: Exogeoconservation: Protecting Geological Heritage on Celestial Bodies (Jack Matthews and Sean McMahon)


EGU2018-1351: Geoethics Proper and geo-Humanities – a Research Agenda (Martin Bohle, Eduardo Marone, Silvia Peppoloni, Giuseppe Di Capua, and Nic Bilham)


EGU2018-2306: Activities on exploiting and utilizing oilfield geothermal energy and its prospects in eastern China (Shejiao Wang, Jiahong Yan, Junwen Hu, Feng Li, and Yanhua Yao)


EGU2018-2866: Learning geoethics: A ready-to-play poster (Pariphat Promduangsri and David Crookall)


EGU2018-2867: Geo-edu-ethics: Learning ethics for the earth (David Crookall and Pariphat Promduangsri)


EGU2018-3056: Forensic geology applications for the solution of environmental crimes (Roberta Somma, Orazio Barbagallo, Rosanna Casabona, and Tiziano Granata)


EGU2018-4484: The White Paper on Responsible Mining (Giuseppe Di Capua, Nikolaos Arvanitidis, Jan Boon, and Pekka A. Nurmi)

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EGU2018-4513: IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics: let’s take stock of the situation (Silvia Peppoloni, Giuseppe Di Capua, Peter Bobrowsky, Susan Kieffer, and Stefano Tinti)

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EGU2018-8429: The significance of geoethical practices in Malawi: a case study of Globe Company and Kanyika area (Yankho Naomi Kalebe and Giuseppe Di Capua)
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EGU2018-9570: Monitoring System of tourist traffic (MSTT) in Stołowe Mts. National Park and its application for tourism management (Mateusz Rogowski)


EGU2018-12632: Ocean governance and Ethics (Michele Barbier)

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EGU2018-16279: Pragmatic aspects of public speaking and their role in divulging geosciences (Massimo Arattano and Albertina Gatti)


EGU2018-18307: The role of writing skills in geoscience (Massimo Arattano and Albertina Gatti)


EGU2018-18703: Mitigation of social, ethical and environmental conflicts regarding open-pit lignite power generation projects (Michał Dudek)



Abstracts withdrawn

EGU2018-18848: The Social Contract for Mining: Where are we going?
(Ian Thomson)


EGU2018-16080: Teacher experiences, views and proposals: first results from a questionnaire developed in the frame of ENVRIPLUS project (Giuliana D'Addezio)


EGU2018-9151: Building a Constructive and Inclusive Culture in Geoscience Departments and Academic Leaders (Pranoti Asher and Christopher Keane)

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International Association for Promoting Geoethics

Via di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Rome (Italy) |

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