Grant for an abstract on geoethics at EGU 2017
Athumani Amiry Sabuni (Tanzania Geological Society) won an IAPG grant for the session on geoethics at the EGU General Assembly 2017. His abstract is entitled "Geoethics – A Message from the Field in Tanzania". The grant covers the APC - Abstract Processing Charge fee (Euros 40,00) and has been possible thanks to a donation by Martin Bohle (IAPG Corresponding Citizen Scientist).
EGU - General Assembly 2017
Session EOS14 - Geoethics: ethical, social and cultural implications of geoscience knowledge, education, research and practice
Silvia Peppoloni, Nic Bilham, Martin Bohle, Giuseppe Di Capua, Eduardo Marone
Sessione description
Recent years have seen a great growth of interest in geoethics among geoscientists. They have become more involved in discussions of the values which underpin appropriate behaviors and practices, wherever human activities interact with the Earth system. All branches of geosciences have ethical, social and cultural implications. Therefore, there is an evident need to develop an ethical framework for geoscience research and practices that can help geoscientists confronting ethical dilemmas and make them more aware of their responsibility in conducting their activities.
Geoethical principles apply to geoscientists’ work across four equally important domains: the self, colleagues, society and the natural environment. Thus, the spectrum of geoethics topics is very broad. It includes issues of research integrity and professional deontology, data production and management, conflicts of interest, publishing ethics, the role of geoscientists in sustainable development, exploration and use of geo-resources and soil while meeting high standards of environmental protection, the defense of society against natural risks, and the impact of human activities and pollution on human health and the climate. It also encompasses the ethical implications of science communication and geo-education for society, and of geoheritage and geoparks as tools to raise public awareness of the importance of geoscience and the Earth system to our lives. Addressing harassment and discrimination in the geosciences, including on grounds of gender, ethnicity or disability, is also a geoethical matter; so is the role of geosciences in the economic and social development of low-income countries while respecting local cultures and traditions, and in promoting peace and intercultural exchange.
Geoscientists have a fundamental part to play in addressing many of the most urgent problems affecting our planet and its population. Their technical knowledge and expert advice are vital for informed decision-making, and to ensure that education at all levels equips the citizens of the 21st century to participate in public debate about these challenges. Geoscientists with greater awareness of their ethical responsibilities towards themselves, colleagues, society and the environment will be better able to put their knowledge at the service of society, to communicate it effectively, and to grow public trust in science.
The conveners invite abstracts on both practical and theoretical aspects of geoethics, including case studies. The aim of the session is to develop ethical and social perspectives on the challenges arising from human interaction with natural systems, to complement technical approaches and solutions, and to help to define an ethical framework for geoscientists' research and practice in addressing these challenges.
The session is organized by the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics (http://www.geoethics.org), with the support of the Geological Society of London.
Programme in EGU 2017 website:
Oral presentations: 26 April 2017, 13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:00; Room L4/5
Poster presentations: 26 April 2017, 08:00-19:30, attendance 17:30-19:00; Hall X4
First part: Defining and communicating Geoethics
EGU2017-17794: Reflections on the fundamentals of Geoethics (Stefano Tinti and Alberto Armigliato)
EGU2017-2598: Rewind, review, reflect and fast forward: from Ethics to GeoEthics (Eduardo Marone)
EGU2017-17473: From infotainment to tools of interaction - A critical perspective on the use of film/video in geoscience (Johanna Ickert)
EGU2017-5668: The ethics of educational methods to teach geoethics (Pimnutcha Promduangsri and David Crookall)
EGU2017-17142: 'Anthropocene': An Ethical Crisis, Not a Geological Epoch (Chris Cuomo)
EGU2017-2636: Citizen-science, Geoethics and Human Niche (Martin Bohle)
Second part: Operationalising Geoethics: professional, institutional and industrial perspectives
EGU2017-17544: A practical guide to ethical and effective delivery of geoscience for the service of society (Ruth Allington)
EGU2017-14139: Natural Hazards and the Normative Significance of Expectations in Protecting Alpine Communities (Florian Ortner, Thomas Pölzler, Lukas H. Meyer, and Oliver Sass)
EGU2017-17093: Ethical implication of providing scientific data and services to diverse stakeholders: the case of the EPOS research infrastructure (Carmela Freda, Kuvvet Atakan, and Massimo Cocco)
EGU2017-17900: Avenue for integrating geoethics into the working world (Jan Boon)
EGU2017-16704: Negotiating a new social contract for the extractive industries: what is the role of geoscientists? (Nic Bilham)
EGU2017-18694: New geoethic challenges in the framework of the UNESCO Global Geoparks (Elizabeth Silva and Artur Sá)
EGU2017-2682: The Cape Town Statement on Geoethics (Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, and Peter Bobrowsky)
EGU2017-9778: Ethical considerations in developing the next generation of geoscientists and defining a common cause for the geosciences (Christopher Keane and Maeve Boland)
EGU2017-2681: How much are researchers aware of the ethical and social implications of their activities? The example of the European Project ENVRI Plus (Silvia Peppoloni, Giuseppe Di Capua, and Florian Haslinger)
EGU2017-10067: Harassment as an Ethics Issue (Mary Anne Holmes, Erika Marin-Spiotta, and Blair Schneider)
EGU2017-17708: Scientific Integrity and Professional Ethics at AGU – Strategies and Actions to Impact Sexual Harassment in Science and other Work Climate Issues (Michael McPhaden, Eric Davidson, Christine McEntee, and Billy Williams)
EGU2017-4092: On the necessity of making geoethics a central concern in eduethics world-wide (David Crookall and Pimnutcha Promduangsri)
EGU2017-2936: Improving metacognitive skills in geosciences to preserve the quality of divulged information (Massimo Arattano and Albertina Gatti)
EGU2017-4876: Incorporating geoethics into environmental engineering lectures – three years of experience from international students visiting Iceland (David C. Finger)
EGU2017-18859: A questionnaire for teachers to improve training activity and students on environmental science in the frame of ENVRIPLUS project (Giuliana D'Addezio, Antonella Marsili, and Laura Beranzoli)
EGU2017-5058: The natural disasters and the urban asset modifications: the Melito Irpino case history (Sabina Porfido and Efisio Spiga)
EGU2017-5083: Towards to Resilience Science -Research on the Nankai trough seismogenic zone (Yoshiyuki Kaneda, Wataru Shiraki, Kazuhito Fujisawa, and Eiji Tokozakura)
EGU2017-6915: Environmental, Disaster and Crisis Management Strategies: Interdisciplinarity and Synergy in Postgraduate Studies (Efthymis Lekkas, Emmanouil Andreadakis, Paraskevi Nomikou, Varvara Antoniou, Eleni Kapourani, and Konstantinos Papaspyropoulos)
EGU2017-9515: Knowledge of seismic hazard for the preservation of cultural heritage: the case study of Naples (Southern Italy) (Sabina Porfido, Giuliana Alessio, Germana Gaudiosi, Rosa Nappi, and Efisio Spiga)
EGU2017-18555: Impact of Geological Changes on Regional and Global Economies (Skufina Tatiana, Skuf’in Peter, Samarina Vera, Shatalova Taisiya, and Sergey Baranov)
EGU2017-10280: Geoethical implications for geoarchaeology. The Laacher See and AD 536 case studies (Felix Riede, Neil Price, and Per Andersen)
EGU2017-10622: The contamination of scientific literature: looking for an antidote (Marcello Liotta)
EGU2017-12446: Criminal fisheries practices and their perverse effects in West Africa (Aliou Sall and Cornelia E. Nauen)
EGU2017-3953: Implementation of the geoethics principal to environmental technologies by Biogeosystem Technique (Abdulmalik Batukaev, Valery Kalinitchenko, Tatiana Minkina, Saglara Mandzhieva, and Svetlana Sushkova)
EGU2017-124: Geoethics – A Message from the Field in Tanzania (Athumani Amiry Sabuni and Martin Bohle)
EGU2017-17962: Geoethics and Forensic Geology (Laurance Donnelly, Lorna Dawson, Alastair Ruffell, Jennifer McKinley, Rosa Maria Di Maggio, Duncan Pirrie, Mark Harrison, Sue Grayson)