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Definition of Geoethics
Geoethics consists of research and reflection on the values which underpin appropriate behaviours and practices, wherever human activities interact with the Earth system.
Geoethics deals with the ethical, social and cultural implications of geoscience knowledge, education, research, practice and communication, providing a point of intersection for Geosciences, Sociology, Philosophy and Economy.
Geoethics represents an opportunity for geoscientists to become more conscious of their social role and responsibilities in conducting their activity.
Geoethics is a tool to influence the awareness of society regarding problems related to geo-resources and geo-environment.
Defining geoethics (by Giuseppe Di Capua and Silvia Peppoloni)
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Di Capua G. and Peppoloni S. (2019). Defining geoethics. Website of the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics,
1) Consists of research and reflection on the values which underpin appropriate behaviours and practices, wherever human activities interact with the Earth system [19, pp.4–5] [1, p.5] [24, p.30]. 2) Deals with the ethical, social and cultural implications of geoscience knowledge, research, practice, education and communication, and with the social role and responsibility of geoscientists in conducting their activities [7] [22]. 3) Encourages geoscientists and wider society to become fully aware of the humankind’s role as an active geological force on the planet and the ethical responsibility that this implies [24]. 4) Is considered a point of intersection for Geosciences, Sociology, Philosophy and Economy. 5) Its main issues and topics include: sustainable use of natural resources; reduction and management of natural and anthropogenic risks; management of land, coastal areas, seas and open oceans; pollution and its impacts on human health; global environmental changes, including the climate change; protection of natural environments; research integrity and the development of codes of scientific and professional conduct; literacy and education in geosciences; geodiversity, geoheritage, geoparks and geotourism; forensic geology and medical geology [24].
The ‘geoethical thinking’ (thinking about the implications and applications of geoethics) can be located within broader societal concerns about the responsible conduct of science and the science–society interface [3].
The word ‘Geoethics’ is the union of the prefix ‘geo’ and the word ‘ethics’. The prefix ‘geo’ refers to ‘gaia’, which means ‘Earth’ in Greek, but its ancient Sumerian base ‘ga’ refers more specifically to ‘home, the dwelling place’. The term ‘ethics’ was defined by Aristotle (384/383 B.C. – 322 B.C.) as the investigation and reflection on the operational behavior of humans, searching for legitimate criteria by which to evaluate behaviour and choices, and identifies that part of philosophy dealing with the problem to take decisions by the human agent [19] [23].
Ideas that underpin the conceptual foundations of geoethics can be traced back to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries when anthropogenic impacts on nature began to be recognised and documented [9] [18] [5] [13] [12].
In the early ‘90, the word “Geoethics” began to be used to define the ethical and social implications of geosciences [25] [6]. The need to increase awareness of the ethical obligations of geoscientists' activity was formalised in 2014 [15], with the publication of the “Geoethical Promise”, a Hippocratic-like oath for geoscientists previously suggested in 2009 [8], proposed to be extended to include applied Earth system sciences [2]. It is included in the ‘Cape Town Statement on Geoethics’ [7], and translated into 35 different languages [17].
Initially developed as professional ethics (deontology) inside geosciences [26] [20] [16], and to frame inquiries on the responsible behaviour of professionals in geosciences and the societal relevance of geosciences [23] [3], geoethics is increasingly recognised as an emerging subject that goes beyond professional boundaries to inform human agents’ actions and societal decisions as a whole [1] [24], with well-established conceptual foundations and a developing framework for its practical application across a growing range of geoscience disciplines and sectors for assuring sustainable, safety and healthy conditions to human communities and protecting biotic and abiotic entities [22] [24].
The concept of responsibility is a central pivot in geoethics: the human agent sits at the centre of an ethical reference system in which individual, interpersonal/professional, social and environmental values coexist, underpinning their responsibilities at these four levels (named “the four geoethical domains”) [1] [19] [22] [24].
Values such as intellectual freedom, honesty, integrity, inclusivity, and equity, along with concepts such as geoheritage, geodiversity, geo-conservation, sustainability, prevention, adaptation and geo-education are proposed to society as references on which to base geoethical behaviours [21] [24].
The four fundamental characteristics of geoethics can be summed up as follows: a) human agent-centric, b) shaped as virtue-ethics, c) geoscience knowledge-based, d) with space-time context dependent approaches. Geoethics is a virtue ethics, placing at the forefront individual, responsible action based on the adoption of societal and professional reference values. Its development and application are led by scientists for the benefit of society, within a pragmatic, open and continuous revision process. Geoethics is grounded on geoscience knowledge to assure an informed and conscious approach to problems related to human-Earth system interaction. Geoethics is context-dependent in space and time and ethically sound choices may differ for similar ethical dilemmas: geoethics is shaped and informed by a strong awareness of the technical, environmental, economic, cultural and political limits existing in different socio-ecological contexts. [24].
In geoethics, the Kohlberg’s hierarchy of moral adequacy, that identifies six developmental stages for the moral reasoning, [10] [11] is considered as a reference scale for assessing the maturity of human–Earth system interactions [14] [4].
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