AGU - Fall Meeting 2016
San Francisco (USA), 12-16 December 2016
Geoethics is among the topics of the AGU Fall Meeting even this year. IAPG is actively involved in this important annual geoscience event and co-organizes the Session PA12B: Geoethics and Scientific Integrity: The Keys to Advancing the Geosciences and a Healthy Planet (Monday, 12 December 2016 10:20 - 12:20, Moscone South - Room 304), convened by Linda Gundersen, Brooks Hanson, Cindy Palinkas (IAPG-USA), Vincent Cronin (IAPG-USA).
Session description:
Geoscience directly influences the sustainability and health of the Earth; it must be conducted with the highest standards of integrity and ethics. Geoscientist’s research elucidates many issues with significant ethical, social, and economic implications. Considering such risks as natural hazards, climate change, resource extraction, and the environmental impact of chemical and atmospheric elements; there is a clear need to develop ethical frameworks within which geoscientists can conduct their research, education, and communication. The session’s goal is to discuss these frameworks, examining both theoretical and practical aspects of Geoethics and scientific integrity. We will explore the most recent advances in research on scientific integrity and Geoethics education, the ethics of publishing and data access, and will feature both the new report on Responsible Science from the National Academy of Sciences and new AGU/Wiley Scientific Integrity and Geoethics book. We invite contributions on advances in scientific integrity and Geoethics, including case studies.
Ethics and Scientific Integrity in Geosciences: Why so much focus on what we thought was a given? (Invited)
Margaret Leinen (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, United States)
PA12B-01 - Ethics Instruction for Future Geoscientists: Essential for Contributions to Good Public Policy
David W Mogk (Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, United States)
PA12B-02 - Infusing Geoethics One Geoscience Course at a Time
Vincent S Cronin (Baylor University, Geology, Waco, TX, United States)
PA12B-03 - The New Landscape of Ethics and Integrity in Scholarly Publishing
Brooks Hanson (American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, United States)
PA12B-04 - How to Write a Reproducible Paper
Damien Brent Irving (CSIRO, Oceans and Atmosphere, Hobart, Australia)
PA12B-05 - Embedding Scientific Integrity and Ethics into the Scientific Process and Research Data Lifecycle
Linda C Gundersen (Retired, Washington, DC, United States)
PA12B-06 - Using Data Maturity Metrics to Help Insure Scientific Integrity
John J Bates (Self Employed, Washington, DC, United States)
PA12B-07 - What Next? Translating AGI’s 2015 Guidelines for Ethical Professional Conduct into Practice
Maeve A Boland and Chris Keane (American Geosciences Institute, Alexandria, VA, United States)
PA12B-08 - Trends In Geoscience Professional Ethics Indicated By National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG®) Surveys of The Practicing Profession
John W Williams (National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG), Douglasville, GA, United States) and Jack L Warner (Test Inc, Parker, CO, United States)
PA12B-09 - Science for the Public Good: Tackling scientific integrity in the federal government
Gretchen T Goldman (Union of Concerned Scientists Washington DC, Washington, DC, United States), Michael Halpern (Union of Concerned Scientists Washington DC, Center for Science and Democracy, Washington, DC, United States) and Charise Johnson (Union of Concerned Scientists, Washington, DC, United States)
AGU Fall Meeting 2016 - Scientific Program - Session on Geoethics:
Geoethics: It’s for you! (by Tong Qiu, AGU Blogosphere):